20 more more things

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E- Sorry for not giving you guys more dares but I am nominated by penguinfan28 so lets go

1. I used to play softball

2. I used to play soccer

3. For my birthday I want to have a tea party wearing costumes and playing video games and watching anime (I have to show then anime)

4. I love to dress up (not like a princess)

5. My favorite holiday is Halloween

6. If you didn't know I'm a girl

7. If you didn't know I love MC (Minecraft)

8. I love My Little Pony

9. My favorite color is yellow

10. I'm trying Greek food for the first time

11. I like tea

12. I like Greek food now

13. I ate a Lamb and it was good

14. For fifth grade dance company I'm dancing to Thriller by Michael Jackson

15. I'm in dance company at my school

16. This is my last time having Valentine's day at school

17. I'm going to the mall soon

18. I don't like coffee

19. I have a butt for sitting

20. I have a white Beanie that I love to wear

Now I nominate




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