Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning, a bit worried but I didn't know why. I walked quietly between the sleeping lost boys, I pass in front of Peter's bedroom. I saw him on is bed, staring at the roof.

"You're not asleep?" I asked him.

He jumped, surprised. He sighed when he saw me. "You scared me, no I'm not asleep, I have a very bad feeling about this Peter Pan." He said, adding a little hate when he said his name.

"Peter..." I said, looking at him. "Even if I got a bad feeling too about him, I don't think we should stop living our lives. After all you defeat Ho-"

"We" he said.


"We defeat Hook together, you help me remember?"

"Oh! Yes!" I said, blushing at the thought of my hidden kiss.

I sat beside him and take his hand. "Don't worry Peter, he can't harm us."

Peter sighed. "Never say never Wendy, we don't know what he can do."

I gently squeeze his hand, "Relax Peter!"

"I can't."

"Well, maybe I have something that can help you relaxing."

He looked at me intrigued. "How?"

"Come with me"

I take both of his hands and we flew together in the jungle. I stopped in front of the mermaid lagoon.

"The mermaids? Do you remember that you almost get drowned the last time?"

"I do but we didn't came here to see the mermaids, we're here to dance!"

Peter smiled and curtsied. I did one to my turn and we began to dance.


*Evil Pan P.O.V.*

"You're getting weaker each day pass Pan you know that?" Said Felix, my loyal friend.

I sighed "I know that but bring you back was my choice and I don't regret it even if I almost die because of that. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Pan, but you give up? "

"No! How can you think this such thing?"

"Well your curse failed, miserably I must say, you didn't get the boy's heart, Wendy escaped and now she's with her brothers, Charming is alive, your shadow is dead, Tink and Hook are gone and they probably have their happy endings, do I need to continue? There's a lot to say."

"No it's okay I understand. You know Felix, maybe I did some mistakes but I bring you back, the dark one is dead, I'm alive and I got this." I said showing what I've kept in my pocket.

"How did you get that bean?" Said Felix a impressed.

"I stole it on the boat of the dear captain. Just before I tried to rip out Henry's shadow."

"You're very smart Peter."

"Yes, oh the cleverness of me." I said sarcastically.

"What will you do now?"

I smiled. "I'll go back to Storybrook and get his heart."

Felix smiled."It must be difficult to believe but I still think that Peter Pan never fails."

"That's why you're my friend, because I know that you'll never stop believing in me."

Felix nodded and looked around. "So, what about now?"

"Now? I'm going to take back what's belong to me."

I flew at the beach and threw the bean in the water. A big portal opened and I jump in, everything went black.

When I woke up, I was on the ground, they were big trees everywhere and a big ocean. It looked like... Neverland but a better version.

I flew over the island, the brave were haunting, the fairies were decorating the trees and the flowers with fairy dust. The island was very peaceful, even the pirates weren't trying to kill the lost boys. What was this place? It couldn't be Neverland! It's way too much... Happy.
I heard laugh in the jungle, I came to see what was there and I saw a girl. She turned around and asked my name.

"I'm Peter, Peter Pan."

She looks strangely at me and a boy appeared from nowhere. He asked me who I was and responded the same thing I've said to the girl.

"Who are you?" I asked my turn.

"Wendy Moira Angela Darling." The girl said.

Wendy? I knew a Wendy Darling and she wasn't like that. Actually this girl was better looking than the Wendy I've known.

"Peter... Pan" the boy said.

Hearing MY name as his name had the effect of a cold shower. He can't be me, this boy was lying. I look at him, my eyes were full of hate, it makes me forget about the heart of the truest believer. They flew away, this just added rage because the boy didn't seems to have difficulty to fly. This boy was pretending to be me and whoever offends Peter Pan always pay it by their life.

~End of the flashback~

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