Chapter 3

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Wendy P.O.V

We continued to dance, Peter's eyes reflected happiness and joy, just like I expected.

Suddenly, he stopped smiling and looked at me.

"Wendy? Something is going to happen, something horrible."

"How do you know?" I said. A bit worried.

"I feel it in my bones, he's here, somewhere."

He looked around, we were still flying, I searched too but I saw nothing.
"Maybe it's my imagination." He said."But I swear that I've felt something behind these trees, something very evil." He said pointing a bunch of tree.

"Do you still want to dance?" I asked him.

He shocked his head and began to go down. "No, let's go back to the hideout."

Once we were on the ground, I started to feel a bit weird, like if someone was watching us. I heard noises behind the same trees that Peter pointed before.

"Peter? I... I think we should go."

Then I saw him, the evil Pan he was right behind a tree.

"Peter! He's there, you were right!" I screamed totally panicked.

As Peter turned around, the evil one walk quickly to be right in front of him. Peter jumped and Pan, looked at him, anger and jealousy was mixed in his eyes.
"Down boy" he said.

He moved his arm, like if he wanted to slap Peter but he didn't touch him.

Even though, Peter began to spin in the air. Pan waved a hand and a net appeared from nowhere. The net trapped Peter and it fall in the mermaid lagoon, leaving Peter to die.

*Good Pan P.O.V*

"Peter! He's there, you were right!" Screamed Wendy.

My nerves froze as I quickly turn around; he was right in front of me. He looked at me evilly. In his eyes I could see that he would make me suffer but something else, like if I did something and he wanted me to pay. He pushed the air with his left arm and I felt my body lift in the air. I began to spin and even if I tried to stop spinning, there was nothing to do. Suddenly, a net was wrapped around me; I began to fall in the water.

As I began to drown, I realized something, this teenager was using magic! He was more powerful than I thought.
I calmed myself and began cutting the net with my dagger even if I wasn't sure if I could escape in time.
I was about to faint but I continued to fight, I wouldn't let this demon rule over Neverland. It was the island of innocence, joy and happiness, all the contrary of this teenager.

I finally succeeded to free myself from the net; I hurried to reach the surface before I ran out of air.
I enjoyed the feeling of the air run in my throat, I was safe. I looked at Wendy, she seemed worried, I smiled at her and I fainted, knowing that I was now safe.

*Evil Pan P.O.V*

I got him! Soon he'll be dead and Neverland will be mine. The magic of the island too, here the children still believe in Peter Pan so I won't need the heart of the truest believer, I've won. Who said that villain didn't get happy ending? Oh right, my son but I got one while he is dead. How ironic!
I looked at Wendy; she seemed destroyed and very sad. To see her like that make me smile, she wouldn't be an obstacle because she was way too much horrified by his death.

Suddenly, I heard a big splash and a gasping. I turned around and saw the stupid boy, trying painfully to get out of the water.
'No! It can't be! He's supposed to be dead!' I thought, angrily, to myself.

I walked in his direction to kill him; I started to cast a spell. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my heart. The pain was so strong that I stopped walking and put my hand on my heart, I was breathless.
I looked at the boy, he was too weak to remark me and the girl was too worried about the stupid boy to remark my weakness.
I profited this moment where they weren't paying attention to me to fly away in the sky, as the sun just began to rise.

Once I've reached my house, I sat on my bed, made of leaves and tried to deal with the pain.

"I need this island, the heart is now lost, I barely can use my magic. Soon I'll be dead if I don't kill this boy. Felix was right; I'm getting weaker each day passed. As soon as I would be better, I shall kill this boy."

I felt a sharp pain again, this time it took me a few seconds to catch my breath. Worried, I looked at a tree, and try to break it, nothing happened. I froze, I didn't have magic anymore. Shadow's words came in my mind.

"Once you've lost your magic, you'll be a mortal, just like everyone else. No more magic, no more immortality, you will soon die."

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