pick up lines

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y/n started a chatroom
y/n added steve, tony , and pietro

y/n: Are you a haunted house? I'm going to scream when I'm in you.
tony: im sorry what???

y/n: I lost my keys... Can I check your pants?
steve: uh um i- what i- help

y/n: Please don't let this get to your head, but do you want some?
pietro: princessa what?

y/n: Are you an elevator? Because I'll go up and down on you.
tony: reverse cowgirl or regular?

y/n: Do I have to sign for your package?
steve: all packages have to be signed for
tony : thats not what she meant

y/n: What did you say your name was? I want to make sure I'm screaming the right name tonight.
pietro: my named pietro but in the bedroom call me quicksilver.
steve : why would she call you your superhero name

y/n: That's a nice shirt. Can I try it on after we have sex?
steve: language

y/n: What is a nice person like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?

tony has added clint and sam
sam: what the
clint: oh?

y/n: We were both born without clothes.
steve: all babies are

y/n: I'm not feeling myself today. Can I feel you instead?
pietro: what masterbation is getting boring?

y/n: I'm peanut butter, you're jelly, let's have sex.

y/n: I don't think I want babies, but I wouldn't mind refining my baby making technique with you.
clint: i literally have 3 kids

y/n: My doctor told me I have a Vitamin D deficiency. Want to go back to my place and save me?
tony: pepper would kill me

y/n: Are you my homework? Cause I'm not doing you but I definitely should be.
pietro: agreed

y/n: Treat me like a pirate and give me that booty.

steve has left

y/n: Let's play Titanic. You'll be the iceberg and I'll go down.
sam: im actually dumb, these are pickup lines
sam has left

tony: i-
tony has left

clint: yall are a little dumb
clint has left

pietro: Can you do telekinesis? Because you've made a part of me move without even touching it.
my room in 5 minutes. dont be late.
pietro has left the chat

y/n: damn ok
y/n has left the chat

avengers chatroom x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora