pink widow???

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*on coms*
tony: does anyone see the enhanced
steve: not yet, im near some cells though
wanda: i see someone!!
natasha: *under her breath* woah
thor: did you say something lady natasha?
natasha: no nothing important dont worry
tony: where are you guys
sam: left side, theres a locked room, cant get in yet
wanda: it seems to be power proof
bucky: on my way, this base looks creepy
tony: woah shes hot
steve:what happened
natasha: i hit him
wanda: she looks confused
bucky: ok someone needs to break down the do-
tony: done
sam: that was quick
steve: whats your name mam
after 15 minutes of fighting because you attacked them
y/n: what do you guys want
tony: a night of you screaming my name
y/n: i dont swing for your team
natasha: *quietly* yay
y/n: i was based off of you
steve: who?
y/n: the black widow
bucky: whats. your. name
y/n: the pink widow
natasha: so you kill people?
sam: she seems chill
y/n: do any of you know a clint barton?
natasha: why?
y:n: hes my brother

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