movie night

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sam has started a chat
sam has added y/n, bucky, natasha, steve, tony
sam:when do you think thor will figure out how to start the movie?
natasha: maybe in an hour or so
steve: dont be mean to him, hes trying !!
tony: he needs to try harder its been 30 minutes
y/n: should someone help him? orrrr...
bucky: dont, he needs to figure it out
sam: i meant to add bruce, not raccoon eyes
tony has added bruce
bruce: when do you think he will figure out im in the lab, not the living room?
y/n: when did you even leave? i thought you were next to me still
bruce: did anyone even notice me gone?
sam: nope
steve: not really
natasha: lmao no
tony: i did
bruce: at least tony is there for me
tony: your my science bro! ill always be there
bucky: can yall like stop flirting
bruce has left
sam: look what u did raccoon! you made him leave
bucky has left
steve: :(
wanda has joined
wanda: thats it im going to take the remote from him
y/n: is that a smart idea?
sam: get him poptarts for when he gets mad
natasha: already have them ready
steve has been dissconected
sam has been disconnected
wanda has been dissconected
y/n has been dissconected
natasha has been dissconected
tony has been dissconected
vision has joined
vision: i didnt want to cut the power but they made thor sad. wait is he my dad?
vision has left

A/N: i changed my typing style if you noticed!

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