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"CAN YOU PLEASE TALK to me?" kotku pleaded as boris tried his best to ignore her. they happened to have chemistry class together, and ironically, they once really did have chemistry. 

"no kotku! you left, y/n stayed. and i lo-like. i like her, a lot. okay? please! shush now," boris exclaimed, rolling his eyes at kotku. he really wished he didn't have this class with her, but he was hoping to visit his counselor soon to switch off classes.

kotku smirked, trailing her hand up his slender arm. "baby, but i miss you."

boris yanked his arm from her touch. "but i do not miss you kotku. i have the best woman, okay? she care for me like you couldn't"

"but boris-"

"kylie! i do not love you anymore, understand?" boris yelled, his words as clear as day.

boris' words shook kotku as it was his first time ever calling her by her real name, kylie. she frowned, turning away from boris and looking at the notes scribbled on the chalkboard. boris felt rather guilty for what he said said, pondering on whether or not his words were truthful.


as lunch came along, it took a lot of walking and hollering for the trio to find one another. y/n was rather happy to see boris, completely forgetting about kotku and her obsession with her boyfriend. boris felt comfortable again seeing the girl who he cared much for, the thought of kotku completely escaping his mid. he linked her arm with his, as he, y/n, and theo walked down the hall, reaching the cafeteria. 

even with a thousand bodies swirming around the cafeteria, kotku could still be recognized. her long dark hair had bright orange streaks shining from it and her body was like a temple that any guy would die to explore.

y/n felt inferior, and that's exactly what kotku wanted.

the stylish girl approached the three, a mischevious smirk plastered upon her bright face. theo was confused and y/n could only feel the rapid heartbeat coming from within boris. 

"hey you guys," kotku greeted. "mind if i steal boris for a bit?"

"yes i do mind," y/n expressed. kotku rolled her eyes. 

"damn, you got her to fall for you huh?" kotku said, smirking at boris. "but can she do what i've done to you over and over again?"

"what are you talking about kotku?" theo asked, clearly extremely annoyed by her presence.

"oh, you didn't tell you?" kotku giggled.

"kotku please-" boris pleaded.

"oh you don't want your little girlfriend to know we made love last week?" kotku said slyly.

"what boris?"

( √ ) 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒, boris pavlikovskyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora