Prince of Mine-Sakuatsu

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First of all just look at that fine fine man up there 🥵 Secondly Atsumu was separated from his family when he was two and in this his hair is naturally blonde instead of dyed. Kinda out of character but it's an au anyway so yah. Aged up a bit so they're around 20-21. Also might have to make this a two part thing bc there's so much I want to do with it and I don't wanna be doing like 6,000 words 💀 anyways continue.


Atsumu's Pov- Third Person

Atsumu was in trouble, serious trouble. He'd been working in the castle all his life, but today was his first day working directly under the prince. Now, you may be wondering, why he was in trouble. Well for one, he set his alarm to the wrong time and was late waking up and secondly, he'd stood in front of the prince and called him hot. Out loud!!!

He'd been mortified, stuttering out rushed apologies as the prince simply stared at him. The man had said nothing more than a 'come back tomorrow' before turning and walking away. Atsumu had stood frozen in shock. He was dead, he was so dead.

Now after helping Lucille, he'd returned back to his room to wallow in self pity. What if he got kicked out of the castle? He didn't have a home to go back to. Where would he go? Maybe he could get a room somewhere, but he doubted he'd find anything good. As his mind wandered, he drifted off to sleep having a very strange dream.


(Atsumu's Dream)

Atsumu found himself in a field of Black Dahlias. They stretched on for miles in each direction. When he reached down to pluck one, the scene suddenly changed.

He saw three figures in the distance. That of a woman and two little boys. Atsumu ran towards them, hoping for answers. But the closer he got, the further they seemed.

In the blink of an eye, he was falling. He opened his mouth to let out a scream, but no sound came. So as he fell into an endless darkness, he could make no calls for help.

Atsumu felt like years had passed when the darkness ended and he landed softly on a patch of grass. He looked up from his spot on the ground to see a blurred figure holding their hand out to him.

Atsumu took the hand and was immediately swept into a warm embrace. Or as warm as it could feel in a dream. Before he could get comfortable there, the scene changed again.

This time, he was in a ballroom. He noticed that his clothes had changed as well. Instead of his normal work uniform or day clothes, he was in a perfectly fitting white suit. The same blurry figure from before was standing in front of him dressed just as nice, but in a black suit.

"It's time to dance Atsumu. It's time to dance. It's time to dance. Atsumu. Atsumu. ATSU-"


Dream Over

Atsumu jolted awake feeling hands on his shoulders. He was about to let out a scream, when he recognized the scent of Lucille's perfume. He calmed down slightly, bringing a hand to his racing heart.

"Atsumu, you okay?" She brought a hand to his forehead, her brows creased with worry.

"Yeah Luce, just a really weird dream." Atsumu shook his head, a weird dream indeed.

"Alright, well dinner is ready. Oh and Prince Kiyoomi would like to see you afterwards." Lucille smirked before rushing from the room.

'Oh no. This is it isn't it? I'm going to have to find a new place to live and a new job and probably new clothes as well.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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