My Kitten-Kuroken

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It was the end of another long day of school. Kuroo was leaned against a random locker, waiting for Kenma to arrive so they could walk to practice together. A smile appeared on Kuroo's face as he thought of the pudding-haired boy.

For a long time now, Kuroo had been in love with Kenma. Having known him for so long and constantly being around him only made Kuroo's feelings grow. He loved the warm feeling he got being around Kenma, the jokes, the little smiles Kenma rarely showed around anyone else. Kenma was Kuroo's entire world and he didn't even know it.

Kuroo glanced down at his watch, seeing that there was still a good half hour or so left before practice. But he was slightly worried, Kenma was usually here by now. He stood up straight when he heard footsteps but sagged in disappointment when he saw it wasn't Kenma.A dark-haired girl on the shorter side was approaching him with a nervous smile on her face.

"K-kuroo-san? Kenma asked me to tell you that he's not going to make it to practice today. He got a little sick last class and went home." The girl fiddled with her hands nervously when Kuroo didn't reply.

"Thank you for telling me...?"

"OH! I'm Airi Ito. Nice to meet you officially Kuroo-san!" Airi bowed and Kuroo let out a chuckle.

"Pleasure to meet you as well Airi-chan.Thank you again for informing me, I guess I'll be off to practice now then." Kuroo gave her a smile and a wave before making his way to the gym.


Practice seemed to drag on endlessly without Kenma there. Kuroo loved volleyball, but he loved Kenma even more and so without him there, Kuroo was distracted and spaced out. When practice finally ended, Kuroo had fresh bruises on his body from the numerous times he'd been smacked harshly by a volleyball.

Having rushed to shower and change, Kuroo was the first one to leave the gym. He was going to Kenma's house to check on him. Kuroo knew how he got, even when he was sick he'd neglect his own needs in favor of playing his games. Kuroo thought it was adorable at times though, when Kenma wasn't skipping meals and losing sleep, of course.

When he reached the house, he pulled out his key and went inside. Kuroo took off his shoes and placed them by the door along with his school bag. The house was quiet and he assumed Kenma's parents were at work.

Making his way down the hall, Kuroo could hear small sneezes coming from Kenma's room. A smile made its way onto Kuroo's face at the adorable sound, but it immediately disappeared when he heard a female voice that definitely did not belong to Kenma's mother.

Kuroo approached the room, a frown now on his face. He knocked on the door once he got there and heard a quiet invitation to come in. When he opened the door, he first saw Kenma, cuddled into bed with a game in hand. Then he saw Airi, carrying what looked to be soup and medicine.

Kuroo could feel jealousy seeping in, he wanted to take care of Kenma. But now she was here and Kenma was being taken care of already. Kuroo didn't know whether to be thankful or spiteful at this point. Still, he shook off his jealousy and made his way over to the two.

"Hello again Airi-chan." Kuroo gave a small bow in her direction, he may be jealous but he wasn't a jerk.

"Ah, nice to see you as well Kuroo-san. Kenma said you'd probably be stopping by, so I've prepared some soup for the two of you." Airi let out quite possibly the most adorable giggle Kuroo had ever heard, aside from Kenma's of course.

"Ah, thank you." Kuroo smiled at her as she made her way from the room. Why did she have to be so nice? He sighed and sat on the bed beside Kenma.

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