General Grievous

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You lied in your bed asleep until you felt something crawl up your bed. You ever so slightly opened your eyes to see a worm like figure sneaking it's way up when you sneakily grabbed your lightsaber and jumped up slicing the one in your bed, ruining your bed as the mattress was cut and burned and then proceeding to kill the one on your nightstand causing the vases of flowers to break.
You looked around the room for anymore and you retracted your lightsaber and holding it to your side.
"Liora!" Obi Wan shouted as he bursted into your room a panicked look on his face as Anakin and Padmé followed.
"What happened?" Anakin asked looking at your destroyed bed and nightstand.
"Kouhuns." You said walking to your closet and changing into your Jedi robes.
"Where are you going?" Anakin asked.
"To find the one who let them in." You scowled and threw the door open before turning around, "Anakin you make sure there's no more in here." You ordered and you slammed the door.
You walked out into the street when you saw a hooded figure across the street and you started chasing after them when you saw them hide around a corner.
You decided to take the sneaky approach and climbed up a ladder on the side of a building, once you made it up you looked down to make sure no one followed you until you saw Obi Wan climbing up. You walked to the other side, seeing three hooded droids waiting for you around the corner.
You turned to Obi Wan and pointed down below holding up the number three when you winked at him and jumped down behind the droids and ignited your lightsaber and Obi Wan followed you as you sliced the two droids in half, the third one trying to run until you stopped it with the force and slammed it against the wall and Obi Wan cut its head off.
"Battle droids." You said.
"Looks like Grievous is causing trouble from afar." He frowned before he stopped and looked to you.
"Are you alright dear?" He gently grabbed your shoulders.
"I'm fine, we should get back and make sure Anakin and Padmé are alright." You said and he took your chin between his fingers before letting you go and you two ran back to the apartment.
You walked in to see Anakin and Padmé hugging and they broke apart before Obi Wan came in.
"Are you alright Liora?" Anakin asked and I smiled.
"Yes, we found them." I strapped my light saber back to my side.
"Three of them. General Grievous is still trying to plot against us." Obi Wan explained.
Anakin stood for a moment, thinking to himself before he spoke.
"I'm going to take a walk. Don't wait up for me." He said and with that he disappeared behind the door.
"Come on, why don't you get some sleep, I'll stand watch." You walked to Padmé and guided her to her room where you sat watch until the morning and you couldn't hold your eyes open any longer, so you fell asleep, slumped over in a chair in the corner.
Padmé had woken up early in the morning before sunrise and laughed to herself when she saw you were asleep and she picked your robe up off of the floor putting it over you when you opened your eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, just trying to keep you warm." She smiled and walked back to her bed.
"Padmé." You called out.
"Yes?" She asked.
"Does it seem like my brother's changed to you?" You ask looking out at the sky which is now starting to slowly brighten.
"I'm not sure Liora, I just hope he does what's best, with you and Obi Wan around I'm sure he will." She reassured you and with that you both fell back asleep.

You woke up two hours later, the sun shining and you walked out to see Padmé eating.
"Hey, where's Obi Wan and Anakin?" You ask and she looked up at you.
"Obi Wan left for a mission. They've got a lead on General Grievous." She said and you nodded running out, you stopped for a minute and focused when you felt his force and you followed it.
"Obi Wan! Anakin!" You called out running up to them.
"Where are you going?" You said catching your breath.
"Obi Wan's found Grievous's location, he's going to kill him." Anakin explained.
"Let me go too." You asked and stood by your brother.
"I've already told Anakin to stay here, you need to as well." He instructed.
You sighed and he started to walk off.
"May the force be with you master." Anakin said.
"Goodbye old friend," he looked to Anakin. "And may the force be with you." Then he looked at you.
"Goodbye Liora." He smiled at you before turning away and you started shadowing him.
"Liora where are you going?" Anakin called out.
"Just stay here and watch Padmé." That was the last thing you said before you followed your master onto the ship unseen.

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