Chapter 6

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A/n: Trigger Warning: cussing


//At the house//

Edd PoV:
I felt so gulity. Y/n came to our hang out place for a month, and we never came once. To be honest, I kinda forgot about it. Y/n is now mad at me cause I basically abandoned her. When we got to the house, Y/n said that she'll cook dinner. So me and the guys are sitting in the living room watching 'children'.
"Edd we need to tell." Tom spoke up.
"Yah, I know but how. It's not like I can just say, 'Hey Y/n. We are your childhood friends and we basically abandoned you, wven though we promised not to.' " I answered Tom. But little did I know Y/n was behind us and she had heard the whole thing.
"Y-you W-w-what?" Y/n had said from behind. We all turned and faced Y/n.
"Y/n I . . ." I started to say.
"NO! I HAVE BEEN LIVING WITH MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND GROUP FOR 2 MONTHS AND I DIDN'T KNOW. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WHEN YOU FIRST KNEW IT WAS ME? I don't know how to feel about this. Like, I should be mad or happy? And I have so many questions. Like, WAS I THAT EASY TO FORGET?" She yelled cutting my off.

Y/n PoV:
'Why did they leave me?' I asked myself. I started to get over whelmed and I shot out the front door. I was so confused. I didn't want to see them right now. I started running down the street, I could hear them calling after me but ignored them. I decided to go to Lilly's(Leah's) house. I ran all the way there and knocked on the door. A girl with brown hair and big glasses answered the door.
"How may I help you?" She asked with no emotion.
"Um, Does Lilly(Leah) live here?" I asked a little scared.
"Yah. HEY SIS THERE IS SOMEONE AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!" She yelled and walking away. Lilly(Leah) soon came to the door.
"Oh. Hey Y/n. What can I do for you?"
"Um . . . Can I come in? I don't want to be near the guys right now." I looked down at my feet.
"Yah, sure come on in and make you self at home." She steped aside to let me in. I walkind in and sat down at the couch. Lilly(Leah) shut the door and sat next to me.
"Y/n, are you ok?" She asked.
"Care to tell?"
"Umm . . . You know how I had a crapy life and I had this friend group that I had lost contact with."
"Well . . . It turns out that I have been living with them and living with them and I didn't know. And I don't know if I should be mad or happy?" Tears strted to pour out of my eyes. Lilly (Leah) hugged my and never letted go. I returned the hug and cryed onto her shoulder.
"I'm sorry." I finally said through my tears.
"What for?"
"Well for coming here unannounced and broke down to a crying mess."
"Hey, I'm your best friend right? So you can come over here at anytime you like and stay as long as you want. Also it doesn't matter your mess." She hugged me tighter but not to tight.
"Can I stay the night?"
"Thank you"
"What are friends for?"

//Two weeks later//

Y/n PoV:
That night turned into two weeks and I think I have over stayed my welcome.
"Hey, Lilly (Leah)" I called for her.
"Yes, Y/n"
"I think I should head home now."
"Are you sure?"
"Not really, but it can't be like this for even."
"Ok. Do you want me to drop you off?"
"Yes please, can you stay with me too?"
"Yah, I promise to never leave your side till your ok."
"Thanks. Let's go." We walked out the door and drove to Edd's house.

//At Edd's house//

Y/n PoV:
Lilly(Leah) parked the car and got out. We both walked up to the front door and knocked on it loudly. There was some shuffling behind the door. The door opened to revel Edd. But Edd look like shit, he had dark bags under his eyes with tears streaks. His hair was a mess and he smelled like he hasn't showerd in days. When he saw me his eyes widen.
"Jeez, Edd you look like shit." I said tryi g to break the tension. I was then tackled to the ground by the green boi. He was hugging me.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know how to tell you. I'm sorry I kept it from you. I'm sorry I broke our promise. I'm sorry I left you. I'm sorry my little Sweet Pea. Please forgive." He started to cry. I hugged him back and started to cry as well.
"It's ok. I forgive you. It's not your fault. I was the one who over reacted and ran away from my problem."
"But you had every right to though." He got up off of me and helped me up. Once I was up, he hugged me again. I really missed him. I pulled away and told a joke.
"Knock, knock"
"Whos there?"
"Olive who?"
"I OLIVE you." I earned a small chuckle from him.
"I love you too."
"Hmmmmmmmm. Is there something going on between you two?" Lilly(Leah) asked.
"No, mkre like a brother and sister relationship." I answered her.
"And who is this?" Edd asked turning to Lilly(Leah).
"Oh, this is Lilly (Leah). She is my best friend and coworker." I introduced.
"Hi." She said bluntly.
"Nice, to meet you Lilly(Leah). Please, Come in." Edd offered. Both of us walked into the house, it was a even bigger mess then it was when I moved in. It was mainly littered with dirty dishes and cola cans. The rest of the gang was in the living room.
"Hey Guys, look whis back!" Edd called for them. They quickly got up and ran towards us. I was then tackled to the ground again by Matt.
"Y/n. Don't ever do that again!"Matt yelled while hugging me.
"Ok. I won't"
"Promise?" I was hesitant to answer but I promised. Matt got up and off of me. When I was up, I was then pulled into another hug by Tord.
"You actually had me worried." He whispered in the ear.
"I'm sorry, Tord." He pulled away and I turned to Tom.
"Lame" He said. I knew he was worried and wanted a hug.
"Come here, Tommy." I pulled him into a hug.
"Don't call me Tommy." He scolded hugging me back.
"And who is this lovely lady?" Tord asked all charmingly.
"Back off BUDDY. I here for Y/n and Y/n only." She hissed back at him with venom lancing her words.
"Oh. Thats my best friend, Lilly (Leah). And she dosen't deal with flurting." I pulled away from Tom. I'm glad that we are together but I still have some questions. But first comes the house, it need to get clean.
"Ok. Guys we are going to clean this house till it is SPOTLESS!" I announced.

"YEAH!" Yelled Matt and Lilly (Leah). I got groans from the other 3. We spent the next couple of hours cleaning the house but it soon turned into a play ground. Tord started to chase Tom and Lilly (Leah) around the house with a soapy sponge. Edd and Matt started to have a sword fight with the broom and the mop in the kitchen. I was on the floor laughing my ass off because Edd and Matt were putting in lots of character into their fight. The house was soon filled with laughter and screaming. A project that was supposed to take a couple of hours, ended up taking the whole day. Lilly (Leah) ended up staying the night and we all had a sleep over in the living room. I settled down between Edd and Lilly (Leah). 'I'll ask them in the morning.' I thought as I fell to sleep with everyone else.

Word count:1369
Thx for reading

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