"Hey, Freddy." [Scarlette waves casually as she took the final step down the stairs and made her way over to her neighbor] "I heard the new neighbor talking to the old lady about New Jersey. That's probably where she's moving from." [Scarlette says as she leaned her arm against the wall beside her. Freddy nods-but he had wondered how he should respond to Scarlette due to the persona she held. Scarlette Sevem was 'queen karate', she was part of a tough group. Therefore, Freddy's friends never necessarily liked her; but Freddy didn't know much about Scarlette himself, only rumors of fights she always won. Besides, his friends weren't around right now -so it couldn't hurt to have a small conversation with Scarlette]

"Yeah, I heard her talking about her son. He's 16 and he goes to our school." [Freddy replies in a friendly/neighborly manner. Scarlette steps away from the wall beside her then she steps around Freddy, circling him for a moment to stand in front of the gate entrance. Scarlette was very pretty- although she didn't try too hard for it, it didn't matter to her much to wear a lot of makeup like the other girls at her school did. Just a bit of eyeliner and eyeshadow was enough for this 1980s teen. She also wore acid-washed jeans and a sleeveless tee-shirt- she cut the sleeves off herself because of "how damn hot California gets". Scarlette also wore a black tied headband, because of "how it looks badass'']

"Rad." [She says as she pushes her curtain bangs to the side] "I wonder where he is-" [Scarlette Sevem makes a confused expression, squinting, as she looks around the complex for the new kid- she didn't have to look much further]

"HEE-YYAAA!!" [Daniel Larusso grunts as he kicks open the gate, pushing his bike along with his bags/luggage. His eyes widen and jaw drops when he sees that he has knocked Scarlette down. Freddy stood to the side, stiffly, holding back laughter. Daniel glances quickly over at Freddy before leaning his bike against the gate and rushing over to the girl he had just knocked down. Scarlette had voluminous dark reddish-brown hair just past her shoulders- long enough to reach her back. She had light brown eyes and tan olive skin, the same 'Italian glow' as Daniel. He thought she was stunningly pretty, and for lack of better word, he thought she was hot]

"What the fucking hell, man?!" [The girl exclaims angrily as she sits up and looks up at the "idiot" who just knocked her over with a mockery of a karate kick to the rickety gate of the apartment complex she's lived in her entire life. The "idiot", Daniel Larusso, was tan/olive skinned and tall- he had the darkest shade of brown hair and brown eyes. Scarlette surely was attracted to Daniel, so her face looked less upset and more serious as the boy began to speak. But just because she was attracted to him did not mean she was going to be so kind]

"Oh shit! I am so sorry, I didn't know you were there." [Daniel said with his eyes still widen with shookedness. He knelt down slightly to assist Scarlette back up] "Here, lemme help you up." [He said as he held his hand out for Scarlette to grab. Scarlette silently looks at the boy for a minute, with his hand still out to assist her. She glared and stood back up on her own] "That was so stupid! I really am sorry, are you alright?" [Daniel shakes his head at himself, putting his palm on his forehand and other hand on his hip, this wasn't exactly his ideal first interaction with somebody at his new apartment]

"It's fine- I'm fine." [She says in a serious tone, she then tilts her head more neighborly. She makes a very small smile, which, however, was enough to surprise Daniel. Just seeing the girl smile made him ease into a smile himself-] "You're the new kid, right?" [Scarlette asks, and the tall Daniel Larusso nods swiftly]

"Yeah, I'm Daniel Larusso. I'm from-"

"Newark." [Freddy interrupts] "We heard your mom talking about it."

"Yeah, that's right- Newark, New Jersey." [Daniel replies as he steps back to the gate to get his bike with his bags on the handles of it]

"We can tell by your voice, Larusso." [Scarlette says, leaning against the wall again with one hand in her hair. Daniel laughs at this comment and pulls his bike through the gate, parks it again, and walks back over to his new neighbors. Larusso had made his way specifically over to Scarlette, but attempted to be subtle about it] "I'm Scarlette Sevem. Apartment 3-D."

you're the best around - (daniel larusso x oc)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя