the bully

893 33 13

Jungkook looked at the clock, waiting for it to hit  3 so he could leave, maybe if he ran fast enough, he could make it out without getting beaten up by Taehyung.

Finally, the bell rang and Jungkook was out of the room faster than Jack Sparrow could say 'i didn't deserve that'. he quickly made his way through the full hallway praying to god that Taehyung couldn't spot him.

Unfortunately, Jungkook happened to be an atheist, and God might have felt hurt because,

"Hey, where do u think your going nerd?" he heard a sneer from behind making Jungkook freeze. it looked like a scene from the bible, the kids making a path for Taehyung like he was Moses, and the hallway was the fucking red sea. Jungkook sighed, god this was NoT how he wanted his day to go. All the boy wanted was to watch anime in his room cuddled under loads of blankets, eating junk food, and drinking his precious banana milk to his heart's content.

"Taehyung please,  not today." Jungkooksaid in a tired tone as Taehyung backed him up against the lockers, everyone already leaving while stayed and watched. it was a daily occurrence but still, it made people either laugh at or pity the boy. "oh, but why, am I really that rough?" Taehung smirked, putting a tan hand on Jungkooks tiny waist, slamming his other hand close to the youngers head making him slightly flinch.

"aww but bunny we always have so much fun." the alpha smirked. All Jungkook wanted to do was hide. He wanted to get away from here, and he definitly wanted to get away from his house, ever sinc his mom died it was never the same, and his step mom was definitly not a good substitue. "T-Taehyung please." Jungkook wimperd slightly, which made the older smirk, but the Alpha in him was kinda screamin 'BITCH WTF ARE YOU DOING YOU TRICK ASS FARM ANIMAL?!?!', but was also kind of enjoying the contact with the bunny-like boy. Taehyug liked how his hand fit perfectly on Jungkooks small waist, how when he tightend his grip jungkooks breath hitched softly, how when he moved closer and talked, breath hot on the others skin, it made his doe eyes blow wide open, how when he went all Alpha the younger got very submissive. It turned Taehyung on,

but he would never admit that. Duh.

It felt like he was staring at Jungkook for to long and JUngkook was just confused.

'wtf, is he just gonna stand like this the whole time? Bitch supernatural is on in 20 FuCkInG minutes and i am NoT missing that.'

another minute.

'what the hell is staring at, like hello? anyine home? and why is he staring at me like he wants to eat me? i mean i know im a snacc but like, i feel exposed.'

another few seconds.

'UMMMMMM, did his grip on my waist just tighten?!?!?! why do i feel so good? safe? Im the only were wolf at this school, and i've never felt like this with anyone. why d I feel like i wanna cuddle him and do some not so kodher things to him?'

suddenly Jungkook was snapped out of his thoughts when Taehyung pushed him to the ground harshly, and chuckled.

"later princess."

Jungkook pov:

I shoukd have been upset at the niknames, knowing it was used for rude intentions but the one thing going threw my mind right now ws,


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