And with that, (Y/n) walked out the front door. Katsuki stood up and stared at the door, wondering what the actual fuck just happened. Suddenly, the front door was thrown open, with (Y/n) stepping inside yet again.

"Sorry, forgot something." They walked right up to Katsuki, their face getting close to his. Their expression was a mix of different emotions; anger, confusion, and desperation. Katsuki was expecting a romantic advance, considering the short distance between them, so he subconsciously leaned forward.

He was shocked when he wasn't met with what he expected, and was instead met with a fist. It caught him off guard and shocked him, but then the pain set in, and he put his hand to his lip, then drew it back. Blood. (Y/n) had just busted his lip.

"Be thankful it's nothing more. But trust me when I say you'll have much worse than a busted lip if I ever see your face again, bastard."

The front door slammed behind them as they stormed out, throwing their hood over their head. Katsuki let out a low growl, wiping his lip with his sleeve and taking out his phone. Hitoshi had given him his number in case (Y/n) did anything stupid. Which happened sooner than Katsuki had expected. He dialed the number and put the phone to his ear, wiping his lip yet again.


"Alright Shitshow-"

"It's Shinsou." Katsuki growled again, trying to keep his voice from rising. "Anyway, what were you saying?"

"That dumbass fucked up. They saw an Instagram post that their parents posted and they've gone rogue. Busted my goddamn lip too..." Katsuki explained, a small huff of annoyance at the end of his statement. Hitoshi went silent for a minute.

"Did they say... where they were going..?" Katsuki raised an eyebrow, then thought about what (Y/n) had said.

"Actually, no..."

"What were their exact words??" Hitoshi was starting to sound frantic. Katsuki thought once again, and then it hit him.

"..Fuck... We're too late, aren't we?"

"No. We can't be. Where would they go?" Hitoshi asked.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?? You know them better than I do," Katsuki yelled out, running a hand through his hair out of frustration.

"No. Bakugou. Listen to me. They don't just storm out like that and go awol. If they were really planning on committing with no one to interrupt, they would go somewhere no one knows. Meaning that they're probably going somewhere that you and them have both been at. Think..." And think Katsuki did. He sat down on the couch, going over all the times he had been with (Y/n). The cafe, the arcade, the very couch he was sitting on...

The bridge...

"The bridge on Sycamore Street," Katsuki answered confidently.

"You're sure? 100%? We can't afford to be wrong.."

"I know what I'm talking about fucktard. That's where we first met. If they wanted me to find them, that's where they would go," Katsuki explained.

"Alright... You're closer to there than I am. I'll meet you there; I can be your backup. But you have to do this. No one else can," Hitoshi replied.

"Yeah, yeah. I know what I have to do."

"Bakugou... Don't fuck this up... I'm putting a lot of trust and faith into you. If you let them commit... I promise I'll make your life a living hell," Hitoshi threatened.

"You're wasting precious time to threaten me? Fuck that man. Meet you there." Katsuki hung up and shoved his phone back into his pocket. He took a deep breath. How was he supposed to talk (Y/n) out of suicide again??

Doing it once had been difficult enough, but doing it a second time, while they're mad at him? It seemed near impossible. Then, he came up with an idea.

Taking out his phone again, he searched through (Y/n)'s newest songs. He scrolled through a few of the lyrics on some of them until he found a really good one.

He listened to the song, and, he'll admit it, he enjoyed it. Katsuki quickly got the hang of the beat, then took off outside towards that god forsaken place on Sycamore Street.

Dammit... why do you always have to get caught up in situations like this? You don't deserve this. No one deserves this. Don't worry, (Y/n). I'll get you out of this damned place. I'll keep you safe. Your brother too.

I promise...

Katsuki learned yet again that he should never make a promise that he can't keep.

I mean, what.

Word Count: 1421

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