A vision

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We all stepped off of the small ship yet you hung back when you noticed Obi wasn't following and Anakin had noticed too.
"Are you coming master?" Anakin asked and Obi Wan leaned against the doorway with a grin.
"Oh no I'm not brave enough for politics. I have to report to the council." He grinned. "I figured you could be the poster boy." He smirked.
"Hold on, this whole operation was your idea." Anakin grinned in disbelief.
"Yeah, shouldn't you be the one taking credit?" You stepped up and asked.
"Let's not forget dear Liora that Anakin was the one who rescued me from the buzz droids." He pointed to your brother. "And you killed count Dooku and managed to rescue the chancellor while carrying me unconscious on your back." He raised his brows at Anakin.
"Hey! I got you out from under the ledge, it's not my fault your heavy and I couldn't carry you" Yoi took credit for your act of service and he raised a brow at you.
"Well we can't forget your help now can we? You can go with him." Obi Wan suggested.
"Wait, no no no, I never said anything about that!" Your eyes widened and your voice went up in pitch as you tried to back out.
"Anakin let's be fair, today you and Liora were the heroes." He gestured with his hand. "You deserve your day with the politicians." He smiled and Anakin rolled his eyes.
"Alright but you owe me one, and not for saving you For the 10th time." He smirked.
"Ninth time, that business on Cato Neimoidia doesn't count." He pointed and spoke lower this time. "I'll see you at the briefing." He smiled and started to close the door.
"Wait for me!" You called out and rushed on board.
"Aren't you going to go with your brother?" Obi Wan asked.
"No, I can't say I was of much help today." You shyly laughed and sat down.
"Oh nonsense, besides, a bit more training and you'll be the one rescuing him." He laughed as he sat in the captains seat and flew off.
"You know Liora..." Obi Wan started and You walked up to sit in the other seat. "You shouldn't let him take all of the credit." He looked at you curiously from the side.
"I don't mind, I don't like being in the spotlight." You explain as you fold your arms and lean your head against the seat closing your eyes. "Besides I don't like being involved in politics unless I absolutely have to be." You laughed and so did Obi Wan.
  "I have to say I agree with you there dear Liora."
He parked the ship on the landing terrace of Padmés penthouse where you were all staying while in the city.
"Ah here we are." He smiled and stood up following you out and into the building.
You sat on the sofa watching the pods fly by and listening to the fountain's water trickle down.
You sat in silence for a good minute while Obi Wan put his robe in his room.
"Master?" You called out and emerged from the doorway.
"Would you train with me?" You ask pulling out your lightsaber tossing it in your hand.
"Aren't you tired?" He asked.
"A little but I don't have anything better to do." You smile at him and stand to your feet and he obliges.
"Very well... I want you to close your eyes." He stood in front of you. "I want you to feel my movement, contemplate my moves." He instructs and you do so igniting your saber moving in circles with him, catching his lightsaber on yours as he moved around you.
"Very good. Feel my force with yours, think fast!" He yelled as he took a jab forward and you dove out of the way.
"Nice try master, don't think you can pull one over on me that easily." You smirked this time you jumped forward taking a jab a you felt his saber collide with yours.
"Very clever Liora. But watch your footing as well." You could almost hear him grin as he swept his foot under yours and you hit his weapon blocking it, your eyes still closed.
"I've got you trapped, how are you going to escape Liora? Think." He instructs and you do so, thinking until you feel something odd in the force and your vision goes from black to white as a picture displays in your mind. It's your brother, his eyes have changed as he stares at you with nothing but hatred and evil but you feel a glimpse of good and light.
"Don't do this Anakin! Please!" You cried feeling your hot tears down your cheeks.
He walks towards you and holds his hand out until you can no longer breath.
"Please..." you manage to barely say before he slides his lightsaber through your side and you scream out in pain.
"I'm sorry sister." He growls as he retracts his saber and you hear a girl scream and look over to see Padmé running to you, her stomach is big and she kneels down in front of you wiping the hair from your face.
"Liora! Oh my goodness!" She screams, "Anakin what have you done?" She cries.
"She was a weakness, I had to do it! I have to save you!" He shouts angrily.
"Anakin! This thing you've become...Obi Wan...Liora they were right! You've changed!" She shouts.
"Enough of Obi Wan, I can over throw the chancellor, we can rule the galaxy together, make it the way we want!" He smiles.
"Anakin.....you're going to down a path I can't follow....you're breaking my heart!" She cries even more now.
She looks back when she sees Obi Wan.
"No..." she started to move back. "Anakin, just stop! Please, I love you!" She cries out.
"Liar!" He shouts in anger and he starts choking her with the force and she grabs at her neck.
"Brother...." you croak, "No. please." You reach your hand out and no longer able to hold it up it's falls to the ground.
"Let her go Anakin! Let. her.go." Their voices start to fade out and your vision goes dark.
"Liora! Liora!" You hear a faint voice before you open your eyes to see Obi Wan hovering over you as he shakes you but stops when he sees your eyes.
"What happened?" He asked helping you up and cupping your cheeks. You feel them start to burn at his touch and he looks into your eyes.
"I saw....Anakin...he was.." You tried to piece it all together and he hugged you rubbing your hair.
"It's alright, you can tell me later but for now I think you need some rest." He helps you up and walks you to the sofa where you lie down, your head in his lap.
   "Go to sleep darling..." he puts his hand over your temple and soon you are asleep.

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