"You're just sucking up now, Birdie."

"Is it working, Master?"

He chuckles, "Not as much as a different kind of sucking up would." I laugh and he kisses my neck, the palm of his hand holding me to his chest as I start to squirm.

He lets me rest, continuing to pet and kiss me far past when I thought he would ask to play.

He fixes the collar around my neck, finding it off center. The action draws my attention down to my wrists. I know although I am, he isn't satisfied with just having me collared.

"I've been think about the branding today..." I admit, leaving my statement open ended.

"For any particular reason?"

I shrug, remaining silent for a moment. "I love my collar." He doesn't say anything for a moment, thinking over my words.

"I'm glad..." Ethan says, not sure the response I'm looking for.

"I know you're not, not satisfied with my collar, Ethan." I spin around in his arms and he switches to hold me against him by my hip.

"I never said that, Birdie..."

"You didn't have to. We've talked and I know you don't see me wearing a collar as a true commitment to you—"

"I don't see a collar as an accurate representation of our commitment to one another, but that by no means devalues your commitment to me at all, Birdie."

I remain silent, thinking over his words. I know he didn't think I wasn't as committed if I never got a branding like he wanted. I hadn't meant to make it sound the way.

I just know he wants more...

"I didn't mean to make it sound that way. I know you value me and my submission whether or not I get a branding—"

"I value you and your submission the same. I don't see it as different or any less precious," he corrects and I nod.

"I just want you to get what you want." He smiles and chuckles, kissing me.

"That's very sweet of you, Little Bird. I don't want you to do something just for me... What made you bring this up?" I hum quietly, not sure I want to say.

"I want to get a branding..." He shifts behind me, remaining silent for a moment. For getting what he wants, he doesn't seem as excited as I had thought. "You're a not happy?"

"I am, Little Bird. This is what I wanted, but I have to make decisions based off of your wellbeing, not my desires. I make choices as your owner, for your benefit, not my own. I have to set side my own desires to make sure I am making the best choice for you.

"I have no concerns for your safety with this. I wouldn't ask you to consider this if I thought it in any way jeopardized your health, Birdie. I care about up here more," he says, gently tapping my temple.

"I know," I say softly. I know he is worried more about my mental the physical health with this. "I'm okay though," I assure him.

He nods quietly, gently moving the hair from my face as he pecks my lips again.

It always amazes me the restraint he has. He had been so eager to play, but has so much self control he doesn't even suggest that he wants to play since I told him I just wanted to talk with him.

"We can go look into it this weekend if you don't change your mind by then," he permits.

"I won't change my mind," I assure him. Once I make up my mind about something, I'm already decided.

He leans up on his arm and kisses me deeply, holding me up to him by my hip.

"Yeah?" I softly glare at him as he laughs, making fun of me.

"It's true," I argue, sitting up on one arm to give him a stern look.

"Is it? Mmm you are pretty stubborn," he muses, rolling on top of me to peck my lips.

I want to argue with him about being stubborn, but I suppose I really am.

He doesn't let me think anymore about our conversation, cupping the back of my head as he deeply kisses me.

"Tomorrow I want to stay late after work..." he tells me between kisses, his hands feeling me up, re-accustoming himself to my flesh.

I pause in my passion, confused why he would bring this up now. Did he think this was an arousing piece of information? I think it's sexy that he works hard, but I don't think him working late is sexy.

"I want to play with you... I want you to be my naughty school girl..."

Oh... well that is sexy. Okay.

"Did I talk back in class to you?" I tease him. He smiles, pleased about my acceptance of this plan.

"I think you were just being a horrible tease like normal." I giggle as he nips at my ear and he chuckles too, finally settling down to just lay beside me, holding me close.


Ethan's phone bings on his desk and I pause my dusting, looking at him in question as his brows furrow. 

"What's wrong?" 

He doesn't say anything for a moment, reading over the text for a moment. 

"Your Dad wants to go to lunch. Are you fine if I drop you off with your brother? Your mom is there too apparently." Ethan sounds unsure and I feel uneasy. 

"Everything is fine though...?" I would love to spend the day with my mom and my nieces, but it is odd that my father doesn't want me to go to lunch with him and Ethan. 

Warm arms wrap around me and I look up, realizing that I hadn't been listening at all. "Everything is perfectly fine. I think he just wants some one on one time with me. Do you want me to ask if you can come? I'm sure he wouldn't refuse if I asked."

Ethan doesn't seem concerned, so maybe I shouldn't be either. 

"No. I think it's good for you two to have some time to bond," I decide and he smiles and kisses me. 

"He wants to meet now, so we should go." I look to the clock, seeing it is somewhat lunchtime. Ethan and me usually eat later, but it is around lunch time for my parents. 

I know everything is probably fine, but I can't help but feel like something is going on.

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