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Hello to all of you faithful readers. Thank you for 1k+ reads on this story. It really made my day to see that at least someone enjoys something that I made (with some help, thank you Vivy). 

As I have repeatedly mentioned before, requests are open. I will write anything that is asked for so long as it does not involve anything about people who love each other very much doing anything except lovey dovey words or kissing and anything beyond vague mentions of troubling topics beyond coded or brief mentions of them. This is meant to be kid friendly as I do have little children that like to read what I write, even when they're not supposed to. 

So please, make sure your comments are censored for little eyes and that you think before you type. Thank you.

I would also like to mention that I made the little Error reading milestone one shots with us Admins into its own story. Its called Error and the Admins. I'm also doing a Q&A for it, you can ask questions for either me (Jess), Vivy, or Error as of right now. Please make sure your questions adhere to the request guidelines as stated above. 

Just because I'm making the Error one-shots into their own story does not mean that I'll stop putting them in this story. Just that their story is going to have more then I will put on here.

Thank you, and we hope that you have a good day.

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