I was only your assistant pt.3

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Cher looked down at her shoes and cried harder." I don't wanna go out there again, Georganne. When we get out can you take me to one of the rooms while the whole world stops turning. Then we can get something to eat and head home."

"Really. Your not even going to wait for the countdown. It's just in an hour."

"Fine.....but only so you can get your new year's kiss."

Georganne clapped her hands and kept trying to fix Cher." Come on....no more crying. No more torture. If that is his girlfriend, you'll go out there and show him what he's missing."

"What really? A menopausal woman."

"Cher your 31 not 100. You don't even look your age."

Georganne pulled her sister and took her outside with rest of the guests.
"No more drinking, Cher." Georganne said walking backwards.

"Got it. No more drinking." Cher restated.

Cher was still sick to her stomach and she sat on a chair watching everyone. Her eyed found Andy as he was dancing with this girl.

What does she have that I don't?

Cher asked herself as she watched her. She was not that tall but had long black hair and a perfect hourglass figure. And of course if her dress was any higher it would be a belt. And she was young.......probably the same as Andy.

Cher noticed she had starred to long when Andy looked back at her. Their eyes met for seconds. She felt her heart clench again and Andy smiled at her.

The girl leaned into his ear and told him something that pulled his focus. She observed as Andy took her hand and led her into one of the private rooms.

Cher just stood there surprised and very hurt. She couldn't take it any longer. Georganne was in the dance floor, Cher stood up and walked to her pulling on her arm.

"Gee Gee.....please.... can we go n-" Cher didn't finish the sentence since Cher was cut short by a knot in her neck.

"Yeah sure.....Bye, Pete. You have my number call me." Georganne pulled on Cher's arm and once again sat her down to ask what had happened.

"What's wrong now, Cher?"

"The girl he was with was definitely not a friend. He looked at me and then she leaned in to tell him something. Then he pulled her into one of the rooms."

"Oh.....that son of a bitch! One thing is breaking up with you. But rubbing her in your face when everyone can obviously see your hurting is a different story. Stay here."

Cher looked confused and took her sister's arm. Georganne broke free and walked out the room. Cher sat back waiting for a while before she decided to follow Gee Gee.

Just as she came out, she found Andy and the girl.

"Hey, Cher......are you okay?" Andy asked innocently.

Cher smiled sarcastically and took a step back looking at Andy in disbelief.
"Am I okay? First you ignore me. Then you bring this girl and rub her in my face. I get it okay. I was stupid but you don't have to torture me."

"Torture? Your the one being tortured. Don't come and make yourself the victim, Cher." Andy said clapping back.

"I am the victim. Now can you and your.....girlfriend ... please back off and let me look for my sister." Cher pushed in between them.

Andy quickly took her arm and pulled her back. Cher in a second came back and slapped Andy hard across the face. Bit still he didn't let her go.

"Oh God, Andy. Are you okay?" The girl asked running towards him.

Cher and other fantasies.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat