8: The Men on the List

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"I don't know why you're laughing," he said softly, folding his arms across his chest. "The next introduction is yours."

Beth was affronted, but the abrupt change in Matt's mood slightly lessened the insult.

"Wells?" he demanded beside her, before letting out a pained groan. "Fine! But if we run into his sister, I'm abandoning you and running for the hills." This last was directed at Beth.

She nodded crisply. "Fine!"

It only took Matthew a moment to spot the plumage that identified the location of Lord Anthony Wells. As they approached, Beth struggled to keep her mouth from falling open in shock. Long peacock feathers were protruding from the floppy hat that covered his forehead and one eye, threatening to blind someone every time he bent to assess the rest of his attire. His costume – and that was the kindest name for his outfit – was a horrendously bright purple jacket and shorts, both of which were oversized and gathered at the waist with a gaudy gold belt. His stockings were an off-white, beginning at the shorts and disappearing into elaborate blue shoes.

Beth cast her brother an alarmed look. "He is better than he appears, yes?"

Matt's humour had returned, and he shrugged at her. "Just remember, I'm not the one who added him to your list!"

She hoped he was simply winding her up. As they grew nearer still, Beth tried to remind herself that looks and style were not everything. This quest of hers had been begun by her simple acknowledgement that she was not the most attractive woman looking for a husband, so it would hardly be fair to expect handsomeness-itself to want to marry her. Perhaps he was kind!

"Oh, Humphrey!" he exclaimed, acknowledging her brother with a dramatic tilt of his head. Beth wondered that the hat didn't fall off. "You're looking quite plain this evening! Are you quite well?"

A muscle in Matt's jaw twitched, and he ignored the question. "Wells, allow me to introduce my sister Lady Elizabeth Humphrey. Beth, this is Lord Anthony Wells."

The man's gaze flew across her so swiftly she wasn't sure he'd even looked. "Charmed, I'm sure." He did not sound charmed. He looked past them quickly, the smile suddenly returning to his face. "Regina, come here!"

Now Matt's discomfort was apparent, but when he made to pull away, Beth tightened her grip on his arm. She would not suffer through this alone! An equally discordantly dressed young lady appeared suddenly on the other side of Matt, laying both of her hands on his shoulder and squeezing far too tightly. Beth thought she was pretty, but it was hard to tell under the flamboyant clothes and the rouge that caked her cheeks. Her brother did his best not to flinch away.

"Lord Matthew," the woman crooned, batting her eyelids and running a single finger down Matt's forearm. "It's been far too long since I last laid eyes on you."

Beth felt Matt shiver, but she didn't think it was for the reason the woman wanted.

"Uh, Lady Regina Wells, my sister Lady Elizabeth, uh, Humphrey."

Lord Wells leant closer; Beth's vision was now entirely filled with the bright colours and overt clothing of the Wells siblings and she couldn't help but angle herself away. "Humphrey, I do believe you owe my sister a dance! You quite disappeared on us at the last ball."

Beth disguised her laugh as a low cough, earning a glower from her brother. He had no choice however, so he pulled free of his sister and offered Regina his arm.

"They make a fine couple, do they not?" Beth's attention had been on her brother's retreating form, and she was startled to find Lord Wells' mouth so close to her ear. As she pulled away, she could almost taste the alcohol on his breath, and her nose screwed up involuntarily. She tried to hide her reaction with a smile.

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