Worst but best thanksgiving

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(backstory - betty and jughead met in college in yale and are studying writing and journalism

and have been dating for around one year and live together in their joint apartment betty is from riverdale and jughead has normal family in new York . jughhead have already met betty parents and they like him there is no blackhood) they both are 19 years old



I really cant believe this how can my family do this to me all I wanted was to spend this thanksgiving with mom dad and jb my sister after all the stress from college all I wanted was one day to spend my family dont get me wrong I love betty but I also want some attention from my family and now they are saying that they are gonna spend this thanksgiving on a vacation in Hawaii just three of them and when I asked them why they said that I am in college so didn't want to disturb me by asking them to go with them now I am gonna be alone bcoz betty is going to meet her family for thanksgiving in riverdale

After thinking all of that during driving I finally reached our apartment around 6 :00 pm

[ it is Thursday write now and suppose thanksgiving is on Saturday }

when I was about to open the door with my keys I heard some shouting and when I went into our living room I saw betty shouting at her mom on phone which is very rare something is wrong and then she saw me she was waved her hand at me I removed my coat and shoes and she was still talking more like shouting

B - no mom why cant you understand I cant come this year specially when he is gonna be there

when she mentioned that she didn't want to go to her family for a holiday I was worried and specially bcoz of some man I still was sitting in kitchen while she was talking to her mom

B - U KNOW WHAT HE DID AND STILL U INVITE HIM AND WANT ME TO BE THERE IN SAME ROOM NO I REALLY MOM I WONT BE ABLE AND I AM SURE DAD DOESNT WANT IT EITHER and dont try be emotional and all I miss u and everyone as much as u do but u have try to understand it is hard for me

then she was silent for a minute but still on call

B - ok fine but if I come to know that they are not there or if they if he tries to do or say something I will leave that minute yeah I will ask jug ok bye I love you and then she hung up

then she came to kitchen and I went to her and she immediately hugged me into like a bear hug

J - BETTS I always love a bear hug but what is it why were you fighting with ur mom u rarely do that hun what is it

B - can we sit first

THEN we sat on our couch

B- ok so you know that every thanksgiving my family have this gathering of close relatives my uncle aunts and cousins

J - yeah and u love to go everytime

B - well I dont want to go this time

she said with a sigh on her face and looking sad

J - why u love it

B - ok maybe its time I tell u

j - tell me what betty u are scaring

B - ok but just promise me that u wont be mad at me or u wont leave

J - babe I will never leave no matter what

[ warning about sexual assault if it makes you uncomfortable please skip this part and read after this sign at the end ❗❗❗]

B - ok so this happened when I was around 15 years old just like always we had a thanksgiving party and there was everyone that year my both grandparents (alice parents and hal's parents ) and my aunts and uncles but there was my one uncle my aunt Samantha's (Alice sister) husband uncle Tom he kinda always gave me these weird bad vibes but I always ignored it but that was worst thanksgiving of my whole life

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