Chapter 2

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Yukino PoV

Since some time nee-san has been talking about Hikigaya-kun a lot, especially referring to him as my future partner, as to how he is interesting, about Yuigahama-san harboring feelings for him and how he was going to be taken by someone else if I failed to act. Her usually cheerful façade sometimes disappears when she talks about him. Lately, she has been talking about this a bit too much, and to be honest that has gotten annoying to say atleast, irritated with her I made a mistake of reacting to her by saying-"My relationships are not your concern nee-san, and neither are yours mine."

Suddenly, her cheerful façade disappears and a hollow smile appears on her face when she tells me-"It does Yukino-chan, you know if nothing happens, nee-san will steal him, after all he is an interesting one." So she said before she got up and went outside, her unreadable smile still on her face, as I felt a chill run down my spine.

(Next Day)

I sit in class as a classmate requests me to help her with a problem in her homework. I oblige her as class is yet to start and I do not have any tasks at hand. As she takes her leave, I glance over the window to notice someone running fast towards the school building, the person is obviously late and is trying hard to make sure that he avoids punishment. I lean in closer to get a better look and notice that the person is male, typical guy who is trying to finish a canned drink in the most uncivilized manner possible while running at the same time, the early morning sun lightens his face to reveal a set of eyes that resemble those of dead fish, revealing the identity of her cynical clubmate- Hikigaya Hachiman.

"Hikigaya-kun needs lessons in punctuality, surely I thought I had somehow fixed him, atleat a little, but his tardiness seems be a persistent problem"- I think as I notice him throw the can into the dustbin and increase his pace, atleast he knows the basic lessons of cleanliness, as for his tardiness, Hiratsuka-sensei is well equipped to deal with it. With those thoughts put aside, I notice that our teacher has entered the classroom, I proceed to sit on my desk and draw the necessary books and supplies for the lesson as the first class commences. A small smile graces my lips as I remember Hikigaya-kun's antics this morning and the possible punishment he would receive from Hiratsuka-sensei.

(Scene Change)

Classes ended without a hassle, as it stood now, I proceeded to go straight to the teacher's lounge and collected the clubroom key. Once I had it I went over to the old building and unlocked our clubroom, the kettle and tea stock are in place, I switch on the kettle and sit on my chair waiting for Yuigamhama-san and Hikigaya-kun to arrive. Few moments later, the clubroom door bursts open to reveal my peach-haired, airheaded clubmate Yuigahama Yui.

"Yahallo Yukinon!" she greets me as she enters the clubroom, her cheerful persona is real, unlike that of nee-san, Yuigahama san's presence and smile exude warmth, something I have grown used to while spending time with her. "Konichiwa Yuigahama-san."-I greet her normally, though she is good person, her sense of greeting is not something I think highly of, her 'yahallo' is even worse than Hikigaya-kun's 'yo,' no such words exist in the dictionary at all, and yet are used as greetings, my attempts to correct her have failed as well, but maybe then it is things like these that make Yuigahama-san who she is.

"Ne Yukinon, Hikki was like totally late for class today"- as usual Yuigahama-san begins the conversation as she sits near me, I get up and pour some hot water into our cups and unpack the teabags. "Is that so Yuigahama-san? Then again punctuality was never one of Hikigaya-kun's redeeming qualities, then again it is a question as to whether he has any qualities that could be redeeming."- I said "Although his dead-fish eyes could be an effective deterrant" as I brought over the cups to her. "You're really mean Yukinon"-Yuigahama-san giggled at my comment, then again this is the relationship I have begun to treasure, maybe this could be the genuine thing Hikigaya-san wishes to achieve.

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