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wilbur and alex were seated on two beanbags together, a guitar in alex's hand as wilbur looked at what he had written--near to nothing. all about to be scrapped. wilbur glanced over at alex--he was strumming the guitar, as if testing it.

he was pretty good.

"hey, wil- so we're supposed to work on a song together- right...?"

"yeah, we're supposed to write our own music. that's the price to pay for having such a small agency behind us, heh." wilbur responded, scrolling through his awful lyrics. his first album had gone well--well, of course it did, he'd just released songs he'd been working on for years already.

but now, with time constraints, it was getting exhausting.

wilbur wanted to distract himself for a bit, so he made some small talk. "alex, what kind of music do you make?" he asked. he hadn't really listened to his stuff before. 

alex grinned, reclining in his seat as he held up the instrument in his hands more tightly. "well, i can play you a song i've been working on for awhile..." he suggested. "i haven't perfected it, but here's a lyric." he said proudly, strumming a chord.

wilbur didn't know what to expect.

"yeah, i heard you right

just me, and you

sinking in together

sitting in the dark"

wilbur brightened up--alex's singing voice was surprisingly soft. it was so... mellow, and gentle, and... although it wasn't perfect, that only made it all the more charming. the lyrics weren't helping with his ever reddening cheeks, though.

"you've never felt so far

we could go rob a bank together

or go commit some kind of crime (that's cool, right?)

until now.."

wilbur looked at alex, gazing at him as he sung quietly--but quickly.

"just me, and you together

just the half of us in two."

alex finished, smiling wistfully...

before he looked up at wilbur with an awkward grin.

"cheesy, right? sorry. it's not my best-"

"no. it's- it's really good." wilbur interrupted, with an equally cheesy smile on his face. he was absolutely endeared with alex already- but he didn't want to admit that. his voice, his smile--everything was just... perfect.

"actually... why not we finish this song together?" wilbur suggested, with a nervous grin. "i think it'd really... fit us."

alex raised an eyebrow curiously. "a love song would fit us." he repeated, before laughing a little.

wilbur panicked suddenly, "ah- no! no- that's not what i meant- aha-" he stammered, knowing how red his face was getting already.

"i'm just kidding, man." alex interjected, a smirk on his face. "i'd love to sing a duet with you~" he said in an overly romantic tone, before practically rolling on the floor in laughter--thankfully he'd already placed the guitar on the side.

wilbur shook his head sheepishly. "shut the hell up..." he said, in a lighthearted, soft tone.

"heh, sorry. you just reminded me of our romance thing in the smp. that was pretty funny, wasn't it?"

"we teamed up during the minecraft championships too, didn't we...?" wilbur added, beginning to daydream a little before holding his head in his hands. stop thinking about it, he ordered himself in his head.

"hell yeah!" alex responded, smiling naively as he remembered those times long ago. "man, we really should play minecraft together again. maybe we can get schlatt, and tommy, and everyone else too. it doesn't even need to be a streamed smp, it can just be something fun to do on the side."

he sounded really excited about the idea, but wilbur responded with a slight grin, "yeah, that'd be fun, alex... but i think we'd better work on the song first."

"oh, yeah!"

a/n: song lyrics by my friend dreamsspouse. they're really good at writing lyrics, check out their fic too!! also!!! please leave a vote/follow/comment if you enjoyed!

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