Chapter 8

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Meanwhile not far from the systems, a large wormhole opens up. Coming out of the hole is a small armada of warships. In the center of the armada is the command ship with is twice its smaller counterparts. On the bridge of the large ship, the captain sees the seas of stars in front.

Captain: Scan on the area where we're at

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Captain: Scan on the area where we're at.

The crew begin scanning the area. It means only one thing, the Empire has arrived.

Meanwhile on board the Great Fox, Fox, David, and the others are resting before they recieve a message from General Pepper.

Pepper: Star Fox, Phoenix Squad, you are nearing the enemy base of Venom. That is where Andross is at.

Fox: Roger, General. Andross will be stopped.

Pepper: Destroy the Sattelite then head straight for Venom.

Fox: Understood, sir. It is time we end this war.

Pepper: Good luck.

The communication ends as Fox turns to both squads.

Fox: Listen up, we are near the Andross' base of Venom. However there is still one more obstacle in our way.

R.O.B types in the computer showing the pilots the image of a large cube shape sattelitle.

Fox: Bolse. Andross is using the sattelite which creates a force field to protect Venom. Without that, Venom would be vunerable.

Slippy: There is a weakness which is a core on top of the structure

Kyle: So we what? Hack it? Rewire it?

Pai Pai: Blast it! Hit the core and syanora sattelite!

Falco: Heh. Now we're getting somewhere.

Slippy: It won't be that easy. The sattelite is defended by Andross Forces and a shield protecting the core.

David: Then we will give them one hell of a fight. During the battle of Endor, my father and others were outnumbered but we overcome the enemy.

Fox: Then prepare yourselves. We launch in a half an hour.

The pilots leave the briefing room before heading to their ships. David checks his X-Wing for final ajustments. His droid, BB-6, observes.

David: Hey, guys. How are we on our proton torpedoes?

Numa: I only have two left.

Duke: Me too.

Cleat: So do I.

David: We need to find a way to get more.

Slippy: Not to worry. After our mission on Katina, I have analyze your ships and give them an upgrade. Now you can pick up bombs to destroy your targets.

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