Chapter four

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Harry's P.O.V.

Hagrid led me through a busy ally and into a shop called the three broomsticks.Inside there was a girl sitting at a table.
She had long red hair and resembled my mother from the pictures Hagrid showed me. She looked about my age but a little taller.
When I walked over she smiled at me." Hi I'm Georgia"she said, "hi" I replied "I'm Harry". "Ok well erm I gotta go do something
important for Dumbledore so um how about we all spilt up,
Georgia you can go with Harry for school supplies
and we will meet back here at three so that gives you 3 hours to get supplies."
Hagrid told us.
"Ok, I have a watch" Georgia replied. "Ok great, here's your list we will meet up soon."Hagrid said and left us in the restaurant.
"So um do you know were to go now" I asked "oh yes, I have been here before just once though. So there's shops were we can get our supplies.
So, you have never been here before." She asked me.
"Uhh no, I live with my aunt and uncle.
"There the worst especially Dudley, my cousin who likes to beat me up for fun around his friends." I told her.
It was kinda weird explaining your life to someone who was your twin sister who you never met. "Oh, I'm sorry" she said
"oh it's fine, so we're should we go first?" I asked. "Let's just look around to find a store that has our supplies" she suggested.
"Great idea" I said.
We started walking in the alleyway looking for a book shop. Hagrid had left and we were alone.
"So um, I think our books are in here so let's go in"she said. We walked inside and looked at our list. We grabbed our books and payed for them.
"Ok, now that we have our books, do you want to get our wands?
She said exited. "Uhh sure" I said. When
we got those we got the rest of our supplies and and
owl for Harry and went back to the
three broomsticks.
I have to admit. Getting the wands was a little fun.
Hagrid came back and said that we had to go.
Georgia left us and Hagrid took me home. I was glad that I wasn't the only
one who was new to hogwarts.

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