Chapter one

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"Georgia"uncle Remus called down " come down there's a letter for you"

Coming" I shouted and ran down the steps to the kitchen. I sat down at the table.
"Here"he said handing me a letter. To Georgia Potter it said on the front. I tore It open...

Dear Georgia Potter,

We are pleased to inform you about Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Below are the school books needed. Enjoy the rest of your summer,

Professor McGonagall.

" wow, how are we going to pay for all of this stuff?" I asked
"Oh um your parents left you a lot of money when they died so I went down the other
day when you were with Hagrid talking about your brother and Hogwarts." He told me.

I didn't know much about my brother, only that we both survived Voldemort, one of the most powerful wizards of all time. Harry had a scar on his forehead while I had on on my left wrist.
We didn't know each other and he stayed with our aunt and uncle while I stayed with uncle Remus, he's my fathers friend.
I learned about Harry from uncle Remus but Harry doesn't even know I exist. Hagrid said that it's best for him not To know yet so, Tomorrow Hagrid
will pick me up and
take me to Diagon ally while I wait in one of the shops for him to bring Harry so then we will meet each other.
"Uncle Remus" I said " do you think Harry will like me?" I asked
" well of course" he said" he might be a bit shy but Lilly and James were good people and so are you and your brother."
"You better go pack your bags for tomorrow" he said" and also get ready for the day"
I ran upstairs and took a shower I then got dressed
and brushed my hair. I then grabbed my bag and packed a few things that I needed for tomorrow.
" ok uncle Remus I'm ready" I said going down the steps.
"Ok great, go hop In the car" he said " ok but we're are we going" I asked him
" I don't know let's just drive around" he said. I hopped in the car and we drove off.
We looked at fields and mountains and then stoped for a late lunch. When we got back home it was like 9 o'clock so I went and got ready for bed. I brushed my teeth and then
Got dressed.
"Good night I shouted to uncle Remus who was making a late dinner down stairs, I was still full from Lunch.
" good night" he called. I sat and read my book for a bit
but then drifted off to sleep.

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