Chapter two

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I woke up to the bright sun shining on my face. I got up and went down stairs for breakfast. "Good morning" uncle Remus said. "Morning" I  replied.
You are probably wondering how
I am not with the Dursley's like Harry and that is because I was hidden for safety and it was to late for Harry but we both survived.
Harry was at the Dursley's when they found me so Remus took me in. Once The school year is over,
Harry will stay with us.
"Here" uncle Remus said giving me a plate of waffles " thanks" I said and ate the waffles. When I was done I went upstairs to get ready. I took a shower and then got dressed I put on a T-shirt with some jeans and brushed my hair.
I grabbed my bag and ran down stairs.
"Ok your all set"uncle Remus told me.
Just then, their was a knock at the door.
"Come in" uncle Remus shouted. The door swung open and
Hagrid stood in the doorway. "How ya doin Georgia" he said" nice to see ya again.
"Oh um.. I'm good" I answered not mentioning that I was actually really scared and nervous.
"How are you Hagrid?" Uncle Remus asked
"oh meh, I'm great,
you know can't wait to see Harry!" He exclaimed. " so um ya exited for Hogwarts Georgia?"
"Oh um, yes very."I said
"Well it's time to go so well , you remember how to use floo powder right Georgia?" Uncle Remus asked me. "Oh yes, I do" I told him
"Well then off you go. Have fun Georgia" uncle Remus said to me.
"Thanks I will" I said. I grabbed my bag and went to the fireplace.
I grabbed some powder and went into the fireplace
"Diagon ally!" I shouted.

*hey guys I will try to post a part three soon! I have a busy weekend so I might not get to it yet but I will try my best!Thanks guys


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