you and me, always forever ?

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addisons pov

Nearly 3 weeks has past since i met dixie and were all ready dating? "addi come on" my cousin kristen giggled. She was returning with me to norwalk. Kristen and my aunt lived about a hour away from my current house so kristen is staying with us for like a week or two while my aunt finds somewhere closer to live.


"sometimes i think about getting married" "whos the lucky guy?" I asked her as we were pushing our bags into my room. "there isn't one, i just want a big giant white cake with my name on it"  i punched her arm and then we both snorted in sync. "HAHAHAHAHAHA" she screamed and i laughed even harder. Then my phone pinged.

dix💛 : hey my parents are gonna be at work from 6 to 11 so wanna come over to watch movies?

addi : yea, we can do school work together and watch movies

"whos that" kristen asks looking over my shoulder. "just a friend" i say with a blush. She snatches my phone and look at the messages. "is this a boy with a girls name on it-" she paused and looked up at me "THATS THE GIRL YOU ASKED OUT" she screamed. "shut up kris your being to loud, my parents are gonna hear you. "So what yall plan on doing😏" she asked with a smirk "watching movies duh" "yea movies" she air quoted movies. I laughed before getting yet another notification.

nicks pov

I was leaving the hospital for the first time in four days. God im a dummy. Chase has been recovering slowly but quickly at the same time. I was watching tv and laughing with him in the hospital bed. It was reclined back and it wasnt enough space so i laid on his stomach . i thought we were getting along pretty well until the name ' Noen ' called his phone. "Nicky can you walk out for a minute, this is important" i nodded and walked near the door and pretended to close it. "hey baby i missed you" chase said to the person on the phone "i miss you too babe, you should come back to cali i would love see your pretty face again" . no,no,no,no,no this cant happen. Maybe my dad was right, if i was straight i proubly wouldnt get cheated on as much but im just obsessed with these dang fuck boys {same nicky😭} "come back in" he said and I kind of cried a little. "Who were you on the phone with chasey" "just a friend" "oh ok, well I'm going home now" I said pushing down on the door knob. "actually, I have to go home today can you give me a ride" I nodded and helped him bring the plastic hospital bags into the lyft. "you been lyfting here all week?" He questioned me "nah, I walked" he looked kinda shocked but just went along with it.

We made are way into the house and chase plopped on the bed. "Here you go nick I have all the ones you asked fo-" Tony dropped the stack of hoodies that I asked him for earlier. "why is tony bringing nick your hoodies" chase asked in a angry tone. "he likes to borrow them some times because he likes the way they fit" tony hurried and spat out. "yea what ever" chase mumbled. I walked out the door with tony and closed it behind me. I pressed my lips on his. A couple minute ryland walked down the hallway. "eww, not in the hallway" I laughed awkwardly and went back into the room with chase. I sat down and gave him a kiss. "Why are your lips so plump" he said inspecting my face. "I- I was doing the Kylie Jenner challenge with ryland" I stuttered out. He nodded and went back to flirting with that noen boy on his phone. I decided to look up noens acc on  my phone and it came up as "noeneubanks" OMG THATS THE BOY HE WAS KISSING, I HAD TO TELL THE GIRLS.

gae beaches🤪

nickyyy💓 : GUYS GUESS WHAT

dickles🥒: what

alcoholic🍺 : what, Im not in a good mood right now

nickyyy💓 : what's wrong

alcoholic🍺 : they found out my fake Id was fake so now I can't buy my white claws 🙄

dancerboi🕺🏻 : I have some in my room

alcoholic🍺 : WHAT KIND

dancerboi🕺🏻 : watermelon duh

alcoholic🍺 : EWW I ONLY LIKE LIME

dancerboi🕺🏻 : to had, now give my kisses

dickels🥒 : get a room BUT YES FOR RONDREAZ

amelie thee bagel 🥯: YAY FOR RONDREAZ

well great, I'm the only one without anyone. I told chase I would be back and grabbed my jacket to walk to dixies but it looked like Addison beat me there

" are you doing here nick" she asked in a sweet in lighting voice that was soft and mothering like kouvrs. "I was just asking Charli for dating advice, you" "asking dixie out in person, she said yes on the phone but I haven't asked her face to face" I nodded and Dixies dad answered the door. "Hi guys, what's up" "is charli home" I asked him and he called her down. "Nicky" she ran to me and jumped in to my arms so I gave her one of my big teddy bear hugs. What, you thought they called me teddy for no reason? She held my hand and guided me upstairs.
"on scale from 1 - 10 how much do you like my daughter"marc asked me as I was walking down the steps. "because I swear, if you wanna ask her out it's a no" I laughed. "what's so funny kid"
"Im sorry sir but I have no intention on going out with your daughter" "what's wrong with my daughter" he asked getting closer than I have liked. "Sir, I'm gay" I laughed even more. "you don't even- but-" I was used to people thinking I'm straight because of my appearance "good night mr damelio" I laughed and closed the door.
dixies pov
I herd the door open and sighed because I thought it was griffin or avani, but I was shocked when I saw Addison in the door way. "Hey Dixie" she said coming up to my room "hi" I said shyly. We walked over to the rug in my room and sat down on it "will you go out with me" she whispered. "yes" I whispered back followed by a "why are we whispering" she punched my arm and told me all about the trip to her aunts house and about her cousin. "Is your cousin straight?" I asked her "i don't know we don't really talk about that stuff" I nodded and looked down at my phone. A little bit after I heard Charlis door close so I went up to talk to avani but instead saw nick talking to my dad "hey look at this" i said to Addison and we watched nick and my dad talk about charli "sir, I'm gay" nick laughed and walked down the stairs. I shut my door and me and Addison went into tears. "Well I better get going dix" she got up and kissed my cheek. I smiled and walked her out.
I was hungry so I walked down stairs to get ice cream. "hey honey" my mom said from inside the fridge. "hey mom" I said while grabbing the pot for my ramen. "this Wednesday we're going to grandmas to see your cousin vinnie" she said and smiled "oh mom I have a date on Wednesday" I said sadly. "With who" "griffin, my boyfriend" I said to her in like a duh tone. "I thought griffin was dating the short boy who lives on rainer"(crap she knows) I thought to my self. "I was scared to tell you but I'm actually going on a date with the new kid from my school" "oh what's their name" she asked thrilled. "add- adam, yea d
Adam." "Are you sure you don't seem pretty fond of that" she said "oh yea" i said running up to my room. "Nice save doofus" Charli said walking out the dem hallway into my room. I threw a shoe at her and she ran out the room.

That was my longest chapter so far so sorry if it's all over the place and by the way would you guys like to see other povs like I did with nick in this story. ALRIGHT BYE SHAWTY BAESSS😎✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

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