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addison's pov (date 10 - 27 / 28 - 2020)

my mom and I stepped off the plane into fresh Connecticut air, my brothers and father have already been down here for about a month adjusting to life so we knew where all the shops were and stuff. "addi come on, your dads outside" my mom yelled to me from the other side of the airport. I got in the car and scrolled on Instagram for about an hour until we got to the house. "soo, how you like it adds" my dad exclaimed as talking about the house "just like home" "well this is your new home Addison"  my mom said after me. I just went upstairs to my already made room. For context, the room was already made because we came here in the summer to tidy up the house and whatnot. Anyway, I had to go to bed because I had a virtual school meeting in the morning. 


I just woke up to my brothers screaming for me to get up so I can get on zoom....zoom, more like online hell. I got on my school website to see the zoom code. "Hello Addison, Can you please introduce yourself," Mrs. Williams said, "Hi, I'm Addison Easterling, and Im 16" "Hi Addison," the class said in a sleepy tone, and then I saw her.

a/n : hey yall I'll prob update tmmrw 🙈

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