🤍Chapter Eleven🤍

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"Um..." Bakugou spoke gaining the attention of the boy in front of him, "are you walking home or is someone coming to pick you up?"

"Oh um I was just gonna walk but I'll have my mom pick me up just in case..." Kiri tried to smile, but it was obvious he was scared. I mean who wouldn't be?


Once again the boys where trapped in silence, the only sound being Kirishima texting his mother.

"She said she'll be here so-" Kiri was cut off by the door opening and footsteps walking down the hallway. Both boys held their breath, eyes wide in fear. That is until the unknown person spoke.

"Kacchan are you home?" Soon after a knock was heard at his door. The red eye'd boys both let out audible breaths, letting the green head know they where their.

"Who's in their with you?" Izuku asked curiously.

"It's just me Midobro! We where just talking about stuff sorry, I'll be leaving soon don't worry!" His loud, bubbly voice rang throughout the room.

"Can... can I come in please?" He was hesitant because of the whole ordeal this morning.

"Whatever nerd... make it quick..." Izuku quickly and quietly opened the door, stepping inside.

"I'm guessing you told him right..." Izuku whispered closing the door and sitting down.

Both Kirishima and Bakugou nodded, "okay um... we need a plan then..." Izuku spoke making eye contact with the other two. "We need a plan so we can keep everyone else safe, this is on our shoulders. And I know Kacchan, I know that you don't want us involved, but we've been involved since the beginning. Not to mention most of the story will be on the news by tomorrow morning." His words were spoken confidently, although he was terrified.

"He's right Bakubro, how are we, all of us, supposed to keep the rest of the class safe? We can't let them catch on and we can't let them get in the way."

"I know.." Bakugou frustratedly rubbed his face before laying back onto the floor, looking at the ceiling. "I- I just don't want anyone else to know the full story... I don't want anyone else being scared to go anywhere... but they need to know to be careful.." Bakugou sighed trying to figure out something he could tell his classmates without them being worried for him.

"Why don't one of us tell Sensie and then have him warn the class? Then we can ask him not to disclose of who the main target is, and we can make sure everyone is on the lookout for him." Izuku's idea was well planned, but that would mean telling their teacher about everything. And Bakugou wasn't sure if he was ready to do so.

Before Baku could reply, kiri's phone buzzed. "My moms here, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Call me if you need me!" He hurriedly grabbed his bag and headed out the room. Bakugou rushed to his window and didnt sit down until he saw his friend get into the car.

He hated this feeling, being scared... showing weakness. What's the worse his father could really do?

Kill him, when he already wished for death? Torture him, as if he hasn't been tortured enough?

Take away his friends? Now that would be real torture, as he'd know it was his fault.

But if he killed them... Bakugou may just walk willingly into the arms of death.

574 words~
Did I forget to post this? Maybe
Is this chapter supper freakin bad? Yes
Do I have motivation? No
Hotel? Trivago

Anyways hope you enjoyed and please leave any ideas/suggestions you have in the comments. I honestly love reading your thoughts and all the nice things you guys have to say!! Thank you for reading, have an amazing day/night <3

(I reread it an fixed it!!! 11.18.20)

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