In heaven

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As Robert was walking to the room, Andy was thinking what is she going to tell him when she goes back to work, because she loves him and wants to be with him but doesn't know how he is going to react. Andy heard the knock on the door but wasn't exactly wanting to get up. She thought it was maya checking up on her. She puts the ice cream back into the freezer and walks to the door. When she opens the door she has a confused and surprised look on her face. "What are you doing here." Andy says. But she really knows why he's here. "Maya told you didn't she." Andy says. Andy invites Robert into her room and she is about to say something and then Robert starts to kiss her. Andy without a hesitation kisses him back. She starts to get emotional and Robert hugs her and she lays her head on his chest. Andy looks up and is about to tell him that they aren't supposed to be together right now. and Robert says "do not worry about that there is more important things going on right now."  They have a long conversation about the pregnancy and Robert was making sure Andy was feeling ok. After 15 minutes Andy gets tired and lays down on the bed. She scoots over to make room for Robert to sit with her. He sits down next to her and Andy was closing her eyes. She lays her head on his chest and falls asleep. Robert puts his arm over her and watched tv why she napped.

So many thoughts ran through his mind as she slept. He is so happy because he always wanted a baby, but he is worried if it might make him do drugs again. He knows he will most likely have to go to more meetings and make sure everything between him and Andy are fine. He watched as Andy snored quietly and he had a big smile on his face. He has everything he wants, his wife and a kid on the way. He sits there for another hour while she sleeps thinking about how it's going to be with a baby.

After an hour Andy wakes up. Robert had just fallen asleep. Andy sits up and looks out her big window. She smiles really big and looks over to see Robert looking at her. He must have woken up when she sat up. She smiles at him then kisses him. They are both in heaven it feels like. That afternoon they packed up her hotel room and they went back to there house. Andy sat at the counter watching Robert cook her dinner and then after they ate dinner they watched some tv. It was bedtime so Andy sat up from the couch and said she is going to take a shower and get ready for bed. She walked into the master bedroom and got into the shower. Robert got up from the couch and walked into the bedroom to, he got undressed and walked into the bathroom. Andy was facing the wall in the shower so she couldn't see him come into the bathroom. He came up behind her and kissed her on the neck. She turned around and she kissed him on the lips. (Without getting into to much details they did more then kiss). They went to bed that night happy to be back home together. Andy still had a week till she comes back to work. For the week it was maya and Sullivan's secret that the crew didn't know about. They just thought she was out with a stomach bug.

(Stay tuned for the crews reaction)

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