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    Thunder crackled outside the academy as the wind picked up heavily. It had been an hour since Dianne, Reese and Erik had arrived home. The rest of the family had yet to arrive.

Zuzu sighed as she bowed her head despair,

"It's been leaking for weeks. I'm afraid another storm would only make it worse." Both Dianne and Zuzu stared at a leak in the ceiling.

"I'm sure Rein would love to fix this leak up."

"Ah, yes. Master Rein isn't particularly fond of the wet." It was true, Rein was a fiery soul all to his own. If his powers weren't so destructive like his personality, he could have very easily taken pride from the ginger haired girl.

"He isn't fond of much let's be honest." Dianne explained bitterly. Despite her love for her siblings, Rein had almost been the near exception to that love. "What has Rein been up to lately anyway," the girl asked.

"Unfortunately, Master Rein... has gone indefinitely off the grid for a while. At least in the local area." Zuzu informed Dianne. The large bird's eyes gleamed looking up at the leak, watching the water drop into a bucket. Dianne nodded and turned to leave the area, Zuzu following close by.

Dianne had noticed the thunder and wind had calmed and quickly as they had come only to replaced with rain. Erik had returned from his room and was now sitting on the very spot Diane had just recently made herself comfortable in.

Reese had unfortunately followed suit with their brother, taking a spot across from him. Smoke blew from his nose as he burned down a cigrette that currently took residence between his lips. He looked to be deep in thought as his brows furrowed. Something was wrong. The room was unusually tense.

"Have you received word from your siblings?" their mother asked, landing on a bird post that sat next to the couch Erik had currently seated in.

"Gluttony is stuck in traffic, and I just got off the phone with Wrath." Reese stated, fiddling with a glass cup he held.

"What of Master Rein?" Zuzu pressed on.

"He's been granted parole."

"Rein has been in jail?" Diane asked, stepping forward from where she stood. Rein had been a lot of things growing up but she never would have imagined him to get arrested. He was usually so careful. How could he have failed and got caught? What had he done to get caught? Most importantly, why hadn't Zuzu informed of her this?

"You would know that if you had been around." his voice was rough and harsh. Nothing like the boy, Dianne grew up with. Reality grew on her as she began to recognize that they had changed in her absence. The girl frowned at the man as hurt flashed through her eyes. She couldn't be mad at him, she had no right to be. He was right, she wasn't around.
"And I have to live with that."

"I don't think you should be around when he shows up." Reese stood up causing Erik to sit up and straighten his back.

"Why shouldn't she? She's family too." Erik questioned with his brows raised.

"Rein won't be too happy when he finds out she is back, it's better to have her out of sight when someone tells him." Erik looked at Dianne as Reese walked away from the living room, empty glass in hand.

"Want me to come with you?" the blue eyed beauty asked, but instead Dianne shook her head.

 "I think you should stay. Mom might need an extra set of hands when the others arrive." Erik fell back against the cushions in a sigh as Dianne went to go grab a umbrella and leave the house.


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