8 // Banana Pancakes

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Song of the chapter: Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson

London's POV

"Morning sunshine!" Holly smiled brightly as I made my way down to the living room where she was already sitting on the couch.

"Morning." I smiled. I don't know if it's because she's here, but I woke up feeling fairly well. I'm not tired and I feel happy.

"You're smiley. Please tell me you didn't hook up with someone while I was asleep." she winced.

"No. I don't know. I'm just, feeling good I guess." I shrugged walking to the kitchen.

"Make me breakfast." she demanded, sitting at the bar stool.

"What do you want? I basically have everything and anything you could ever want." I shrugged, opening up the fridge.

"Banana pancakes. Please, please, please." she begged, folding her hands together.

"That's more of a summer breakfast, don't you think? It's rainy. And winter, but god knows we don't get snow in L.A." I shook my head, already pulling out the bananas.

"Do you even have a recipe?" she stood up and walked to where I was cracking eggs into a bowl.

"Nope. Just go with the flow. Clo check ma flow." I quoted the boys and she immediately got it and cracked up, laughing.

"Well maybe we mash the bananas? I'll do that." she grabbed a fork from the drawer and began peeling and mashing the bananas in a separate bowl.

(Play SOTC)

"I don't even think we need flour, London." Holly said as I poured probably too much flour into the 'batter' we created.

"Well how else is it supposed to thicken?" I laughed as a big chunk of flour proofed into the bowl, making the rest fly into the air and all over us.

We bust out in a fit of laughing, covered from head to toe in flour. I was wearing a pair of black leggings and my race car shirt.

with my hair in a lazy messy bun on the top of my head

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with my hair in a lazy messy bun on the top of my head.

"This is a fucking mess." I laughed looking at my dirty clothes, kitchen and sister. She shook her head, trying to wipe her clothes off. I took the chance to throw a bit of flour at her, making her gasp.

"You're going to get it now, London Ava!" she yelled, throwing a fist full into my hair and face.

"Who's here?" she asked when the doorbell rang in the middle of our food fight.

"I don't know." I shrugged, going to answer whoever was standing in the rain. Covered in ingredients, I answered the door, trying not to get the handle dirty.

"London." it was Harry. That ass.

I immediately slammed the door in his face and walked back to the kitchen where Holly was standing, confused.

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