chapter 6"oh oh "

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Narrates ______:

tiriririri, tiririririn, tiriririri, tiriririri

tiriririri, tiririririn, tiriririri, tiriririri

________:five minutes more

tiriririri, tiririririn, tiriririri, tiriririri

________: ahggggg, you really know fuck alarm - I said and threw the alarm to the ground breaking it into pieces I look at the alarm and look at my hands I don't know what the hell is wrong with me ,Why  I have so much strength? , I got up I took off my sleeping dress I got in the shower and 15 minutes later I went out I put on black shorts with a hole at the end of the back for my tail (she has a tail when it touches the moonlight but Supposes that at this moment she should not have it) a black sports crop top with tiny white dots a black crop top type sweatshirt that put * savage * I made a high tail to cover my ears reach my black lipstick paint me without looking at me I was going to the drawer to get some flat knee-length socks and the black and white vans, my black gloves  that cover my long nails is not something I always wear but today I decided to put them on I finished tying my vans and went down

Max: Hey why ...

_____: shut up - I interrupted him and went to the dining room

______: good morning, ready to go to UNI?

Vanne: tail

_____: what  - I started to touch my butt - Oh oh - I said when I found her

______: How could it happen, call the boys and you - I said pointing to Maximiliano - you saw the tail and you didn't tell me, do you know how dangerous it is that they see me with the tail ah ???? - I asked while swinging my tail I was very angry because I wanted to go to school but with my tail I could not go they will find out well now you have to think about what happened that my tail came out mmmmm fish I eat fish when have to work and there is no moon like in the day, but yesterday I ate fish?

_________: WHO COOKED DINNER YESTERDAY ??? !!!!! - I shout

Adri: I

____ : What did you cook ?

Adri: steak

___: of what ?

Adri: fish but I made you two small turkey breast

____: and you didn't tell me

Adri: I did, but you were so busy writing songs and retouching that you didn't seem to hear.

____: oh noooo, where did you leave it?

adri: in the microwave - she said and I went to the microwave and there it was

Niall: Actually, I don't think it was the fish because you spent the whole night with a tail and the effect of the fish wears off in about 6 hours, so if I calculate correctly the effect should have worn off half an hour ago. .

Tomas: what did you do yesterday after dinner, imitate because  if you don't you  going to talk fast and we are not going to understand you

______: kk-I sat in the dining room chair like I had finished eating I put the plate in the sink I walked up the stairs I ran upstairs while my friends were behind me I went to my room I went to the bathroom I took off my lipstick after doing the ponytail  and I made a braid I took off my shoes I put the dress on the clothes I went to the window that was open I closed it and I opened it again I stayed at the window a few minutes later I stood from the window and got into the bed without covering myself I closed my eyes and minutes later I got up I pretended to set the alarm and they used I did everything I did this morning until I went down

_____: What do you think it was?

Carlos: you left the window open

______: I didn't do it

Marta: yes you did and stop denying

_____: What if I did?

Jhon: yesterday there was a full moon

____: Oh oh


Random question of the day

What is the first thing _____ says to Selena the day they meet?

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