Chapter 1: Escape

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The ring slipped onto my finger like it’s been made for it. Beautiful white stone turned yellow to fit my mood. Finally, it was over. The quest, the journey, the adventure, all have come to an end. None of my companions had died and the kingdom’s been saved. I could rest and get ready for another one. Or so I thought…

At first I did not understand who they were talking about. Something about the ring, the queen and some sacred, old prophecy. Then it hit me. Five very old and very powerful wizards had just announced me as a future ruler of this land. Oh joy. Was there a back door I could escape by anywhere? 

A strong arm stopped me, when I tried to back away silently. I was not delusional about my possibilities: great, almost empty hall was not something you could slip away from unnoticed. Still it felt sad to be caught almost immediately. I looked up into knight’s face. Beautiful green eyes looked back at me with disdain. That darkened my mood even further. Oh yeah, my future captain of the guard did not seem to like me at all. The feeling was mutual. Pompous, overly handsome men have never been my type, and this one has given me more than fair share of his enormous ego. I felt almost regretful about saving his life twice during our journey, and I was quite sure he disliked the fact just as much. After all, a little girl saving your ass sounds quite lame for a powerful knight.

He pushed me towards the wizards, who have just prepared the crown for me, no doubt feeling sick pleasure when he had to almost drag me last few steps, and hold in place by force.
And then it was over. With few words and one iron circle put on my head the ceremony and my life have both ended.

But you probably don’t know what’s happening, do you? I’ve not been telling this story right. So, let’s start from the beginning. Well… almost. I’ll skip the part about being born and such.

My name is Anne. Just Anne, nothing fancy.

For the last few months I’ve been looking for an old artifact. There was this story about it’s great power, and some people trying to steal it for evil purposes. I felt inclined to help, since I had nowhere to go anyway, being homeless after my house burned down with together with everything I possessed. I silently hoped to get some reward for my effort. Like some gold or at least a place to stay.

After many, many adventures and troubles I finally found it. It was a magical ring, and I’ve been stupid and reckless enough to put it on. These were the consequences.

It turned out there has been a prophecy about some woman who would recover the ring, put it on and rule the kingdom, making it prosperous and safe again.

And they thought it was me.

I didn’t, but no one seemed to care.

I was coronated, sat on the throne, and made to perform all the duties.

And I hated it.

Being a queen was far from what they show in the movies. I had to get up early, learn to walk and speak properly, read and sign the documents, hear pleads of different and usually not very wise people, who expected me to perform miracles and most importantly: find a husband and produce a heir.

No wonder that by the end of the month I was out in the garden, hiding among the bushes from my dutiful and extremely serious advisor, who hunted me down like a high class hound.
I could not escape, since there was no river around, and my small magical ability allowed me to fly with great speed only above the surface of the water. Everywhere else I was useless and just a human woman. Considering the dress and high heels I was wearing, running or climbing was out of question anyway, even if I happened to excel in them.

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