Sitting in the chair that is left to him, she also drinks her tea. Handing him a plate of various sweets, Ciel thanks her and eats a croissant with some freshly made jam. "Mm, it's good." He compliments the pastry, Y/N smiles before drinking more of her tea. 

"How did the meeting go? I assume it went to plan?"

"The opposite of that more like." Ciel sits back in the chair and crosses his legs. Wondering how, she asks him what had happened. Ciel sighs before speaking. "I didn't think it would have been that bad but Edward Midford came."

"Lizzies' brother?" He nods to her question, the blue headed earl sees her face is rather confused. 

"Yes, he joined us and," he pauses and groans at the thought of having to think back on the meeting he just left. "It didn't go well, there was shouting, a lot of shouting. Pointing fingers, some name calling and a broken vase."

"Shouting? I wouldn't expected there to be shouting and name calling. I thought the Midford's would have been more, professional." She speaks her opinion, she is right as the Midford are a family of knights and they don't do anything that will embarrass their name or their country.

Well, Edward was a member of the Phantom five musical group to rival with the S4. Ciel remembered how humiliating it was to his aunt Francis drag Edward off the stage by the ear. So that might have ruined a bit of reputation if anyone but the group knew it was him. But it was so they could find Lizzie as she was missing.

"There is plenty to learn about nobles Y/N, believe me, you'll be surprised with the amount of skeletons everyone has in their closets. Hypothetically speaking." He takes a bite of an almond pastry next.  For a second, her eyes wander to his words. Thinking hard, she shakes her head a little and forgets about whatever she was wondering.

Ciel is happy that he can eat sweets like this without Sebastian knowing. He doesn't care if it is near dinner, he is hungry. "But it didn't help when we tried to explain that the engagement was off and they thought it was some practical joke. And to top it off, Cosway decided to barge in."

"Alistair barged in?" Y/N asks, her eyes filled with mystery and hunger. Hungry  to know what happened. "Why would he do that?" 

"It is what I thought but he wanted to get back together with my cousin." Glancing over at her, Ciel notices that her mouth is open ajar and in shock.

"He did? What did she say? Her family must have been furious." 

"Let's say that he didn't last very long, in fact he is already arranging a carriage to head back home." Ciel sips the earl grey tea in his cup. "My aunt and Uncle were really furious, Edward was the worst as he was close to strangling him. But overall, the thing was chaotic. In the end we managed to tell them, so the engagement is officially off." Ciel sighs and stares at the ceiling as he leans back in his chair. 

Feeling something touch his left hand, he sees that Y/N lightly has her right hand on his, gently stroking it. It reminds him of how his late mother used to do that when he was younger. The right side of his lip curls up. "Enough about that, tell me, what happened in today's festivities."

Her (e/c) eyes dart over at him as she sips gently from the teacup that is in her right hand. She lowers the cup before talking. "To be honest, I can't remember that much as I was mainly concerned about you." Her cheeks blush red as she feels her temperature rise. 

"You were concerned about me?" Ciel's blue eyebrows arch up in surprise to her spoken words. "why?" Her eyes focus on the teacup in her hand. 

"I, I was worried about you and I.. I didn't want anything bad to happen to you." She admits, her cheeks are now as red as a rose. She spoke in a high pitched voice as she admitted the truth to him. "I didn't want you getting hurt or anything. That is why I was worried." She places her teacup down onto the saucer on the table and stands up, feeling embarrassed she heads towards the window of the room and stands in front of it. 

What it takes to be a lady (Ciel x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now