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Glory pulled back in surprise. What had just happened? Deathbringer smiled at her, a cute smile that Glory loved. WHAT? Since when have I ever thought that?  Looking past Deathbringer, she saw that they were nearing the ground. "Deathbringer!" She yelped, throwing out her wings. He did the same, and they floated down to the ground side by side. As soon as they touched down, Glory whirled to face Deathbringer. "Why did you do that?" She demanded, and he just shrugged. "Why not?" Glory face-taloned. "Seriously? Did you really just say 'Why not'?" Deathbringer smirked, and Glory felt her scales flush pink. She quickly changed them to her usual green, red , and blue. Deathbringer's smirk seemed even more smirky now. Glory glared at him. Tsunami fluttered down to them before Glory could respond. "Wow, Glory, you've got it bad." She said, and Glory turns her glare to Tsunami. "What?" Glory snarls. Tsunami smiles. "I could see that flash of pink from your platform." She says, and Glory groans. Deathbringer frowns. "What does pink mean?" He asks, and Sunny, who Glory had not realized was there, giggles. "It means she likes you." Sunny drew out the word likes so it sounded singsongy. Glory turns bright pink again, her face flushed. "Well, um,-" She starts, but she doesn't have anything else to say. "That confirms it!" Sunny says, then turns to Tsunami. "I TOLD you Glorybringer would happen! Now pay up!" Tsunami put a bracelet in Sunny's hand that was pale blue pearls. Sunny slips it on. "I feel better already!" She says, turning to Glory with shining eyes. "Huh?" Glory asks. "The bracelets enchanted." Sunny explained. "I didn't mean for the bracelet, I meant for before that." Glory snaps, and Sunny's eyes turn mischievous. "GLORYBRINGER FOR LIFE!" Sunny yells, and Glory blushes. "What?" Sunny rolls her eyes. "Imma shipper, remember? Glorybringer is your ship name, 'cause I SO SHIP YOU!" Deathbringer smiles, then walks over to sit next to Glory, twining their tails. Glory only flashes pink for a moment, but it's enough for another Sunny remark. "SEE! I told you! Glory+Deathbringer is soooooo perfect!!" Glory glares. "If you say one more thing about whatever you're talking about, I will venom you." She threatens, but Sunny is just too happy to notice. "Glory and Deathbringer, flying in the sky, getting all K.I.S.S.Y!" "SUNNY!" Glory yells, jumping up and running at Sunny. Sunny shrieks and flies up to the platform where everyone else is, and when Glory gets up, Sunny is sheltered in Meerkats wings. "Sunny!" Glory said, and Sunny just laughed. Soon, Glory is laughing too. The anger and embarrassment are gone, and now Glory thinks it's funny, (and also true) alongside Sunny. Deathbringer flies up to the platform, sitting next to Glory yet again. Glory shoves him playfully to the side, and as he falls he reaches out and grabs Glory's tail for balance. "Ack!" Glory yelps as Deathbringer falls and takes Glory down with him. It's a pile, Glory on top of Deathbringer. He flashes a smile. "Hello." He says, and Glory slaps him with one of her wings. Standing up, she shakes herself off and resumes a queenly position. Deathbringer mimics her, sitting up tall and straight with his tail over his talons. Glory sighs. "What am I going to do with you?" "Love me to death?" Deathbringer suggests, and Glory smacks him with her wing. Looking around, Glory sees her friends reactions to the many events of the afternoon. Tsunami was smirking, Riptide looked happy, probably because he was with Tsunami, Starflight looked slightly uncomfortable, Fatespeaker looked happy, probably because she liked to ship with Sunny. Sunny was having way to much fun watching Deathbringer and Glory argue, Meerkat was watching Sunny with a look Glory knew well. That's how Deathbringer looked when he saw Glory. And Glory had a feeling that that was what she looked like when she looked at him. Clay was sitting on the platform, completely oblivious, enjoying a piece of fruit. Peril was wearing her enchanted necklace from Turtle that allowed her to switch her firescales on and off, so she was sitting next to Clay, curled up at his side. Deathbringer twined his tail with Glory's, and she realized how much she loved having him near her. Maybe, just maybe, Sunny is right. 

Hey! Real quick, the italics are Glory's thoughts. What do you think of the chapter? I know it's not the best, but I think it's better than the last one. And I had a lot of fun making Sunny the Shipper. Anyway, hope you like it, another update should be coming soon! (One more thing; None of the art is mine, so I don't take credit for any of it!)

Flappy Seal  

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