chapter 6

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(in this chapter i know Harry is a seeker but for now he is going to be a chaser and if y/n needs a break he'll be a seeker I'm going to miss a few parts buy if you don't know what i mean there is a video on top I know there is more)


Professor McGonagall took us to professor Quirrell class and took out a boy named Oliver Woods. After she got him he took us both to the quidditch field then left.

"Quidditch is easy enough to understand each team has seven players three chasers, two beaters, one seeker and one keeper. The seeker that you y/n has eyes for only one thing." Oliver said

Then he took out this little golden ball. When he put it on the palm of his hand the ball grew wings! Then stared to fly around Harry and I. It was beautiful, but I know that when the game starts that it's  going to be a pain in the ass. 

                                                                        ~~~~~time skip~~~~

It has been 1hr since Oliver has taught Harry and I Quidditch and to be honest I'm really scared for the first game. The twins told Harry and I that first of that we are the youngest players and that 1st years can't play two Harry's father was some sort of champion and last but not least A KID GOT LOST IN THE FORBIDDEN FOREST!!!! This is something a kid does not want to hear. Our last class ended, and I had 30min until our first quidditch game starts, so I ran to the dorms put down my books for class on my bed after I gave my Dragon some love for good luck then went down to where we get our jerseys but on my way there a certain platinum hair boy stopped me in my tracks.  can you guess who it is. =_=

Draco's P.O.V

Word around the school was that when my flower and that potter got caught that the teachers actually liked what they saw, and they didn't get in trouble. To be honest i would have been my flower's knight in shining armor and take her out of detention if need be but potter on the other hand would just rot away. I am so worried about my flower what if she gets hurt?! This is all my fault if i would have never had tested her like that she would be safe and sound on the ground. Its now 20 minutes till the game maybe if i try to convince her not to she'll realize how much danger is in that horrid sport. Luckily i caught her just in time. 

"L/n! i need to talk to you!" i said trying to get her attention                                                                               "what is it Malfoy I need to get ready for the game tonight. Just make it quick."                                       "I forbid you to enter this game! You'll just make a fool out of yourself and the Gryffindor dorm!"  I yelled even though i hate making (y/n) feel down this is the only way i can hope that she'll listen to me.                                                                                                                                                                  "Thanks for the pep-talk Malfoy that gave me loads of encouragement. Besides even if ill make a fool of myself ill still try and that is the best anyone can do. At least that's more than you do. "      

Then she left my flower goes where i can't protect her this is awful. How could i let her go from my grasp when i was so close. Then i heard a chipmunk like voice behind me.                                        "Draco~ hi darling how's my Slytherin prince doing~" Pansy said.                                                                 "what do you want Parkinson? can't you see I'm busy!" i yelled                                                                      "That's the thing baby you've been so stress that i want to take you on a date after hours in the forest~ how does that sound i have people that can make your favorite shepherds pie!"                  (i searched it and Tom's favorite food is a wide amount of sweets and plain food but the best looking one is shepherds pie. Don't believe me look it up) 
I thought about it and realized that if I go with her I can kill two birds with one stone by killing her and I also get a meal out of it.
"Fine Parkinson I will  join you for this.......d-date......"
Man saying that was harder than expected
"Yay! Ok sugar plum see you soon~~~"
And with that she left me alone. Finally its time to watch the game. I hope my flower doesn't get hurt.

~~~~time skip~~~~

it was time for the game Oliver gave us a prep talk and we were up. We are against Slythrtin and welp im scared. I was told to stay in one place until I saw the snitch. While I waited Gryffindor got some points and so did Slythrtin. When I turned to look around i saw flint winked at me. Creep. I looked away and I saw the snitch so I did my part and went after it. When I was going out to reach it my broom went haywire. (Don't ask me where its from) it went on for five minutes then it stopped. But I was hanging on for dear life on the broom. I managed to get back on the broom so I went after the snitch. I was right on its tail so I stood on my broom, leaned into it, and then I fell. I got up and started to choke on something. I spit it out and got the snitch! Everybody cheered and congratulated me. Maybe school isn't so bad. But boy am I wrong.



*⚠️ Warning gore ahead ⚠️*

Draco P.O.V
The game was so stressful to watch knowing that my flower could get hurt. But she was sorta fine in the end. She choked a bit but she coughed out whatever made her choke. Now it's time for my d-date. Ugh I hate that. So I dressed in black so no blood got on me. Then I left

"Oh my God Draco you look scrumptious~~" Pansy said
"Thank you Parkinson you look um nice?" I kid you not she looked like trash
"Thanks handsome so let's not wait let's dig in"
We ate and she tried to make small talk but I didn't have it. One mistake she made was she brought up (y/n). one talks bad about her...
"Well Draco I had fun! Let's see if we can end on a good note~" She went in for a kiss but I grabbed the knife on the table and stabed her. She looked shocked but before she could scream i cut her throat blood spilled everywhere.




What a fool. I picked up her body and threw it to the forest so the evil could get rid of the body. I threw the knife away but not the mess for I want EVERYONE to see what happens if you so much as breath (y/n)'s air. I snuck back to the dorms without anyone noticing and fell asleep like a baby knowing pansy is dead. Goodnight my flower tomorrow is another day for my love to grow and another body to be thrown.

"You better watch your back flint"

(WOOOOOO! I DID IT NOW IMA SLEEP! Feed my children feed! Also thanks for all the love and support I could have never done it without my lovely readers or handsome readers or whatever you go bye. You can be a cow for all I care. But stay safe and wash ya hands. I may be a bit slow my school is opening up soo may have little time to write but for you I would do anything for you my prettys 😍)

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