ch. 7

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Jesus fucking christ my ass hurts from falling so hard. Im pretty sure it will bruise but it could have been worse I could have actually died from choking on the snitch. Also I haven't seen malfoy since our talk in the hallway usually he'll come up to me saying how bad of an influence Harry and the gang are and to hang out with his little pity party. As if ugh.

"Harrryyyyy can we go to dinner on time today I'm so hungryyyyy! I feel like Ron."

"Yeah sure I'm pretty hungry my self let's freshen up first then we'll head down."
(I know usually Harry don't care about this but for the first 2 movies he was like the golden boy and like was different in the rest)

After getting ready I truly believe I walked on air going down the stairs for dinner. Also I saw Malfoy walk the other way from me he didn't say anything to me he only darkly smiled at the floor..... werid..... but his moody ass can't stop me from enjoying a BEAUTIFUL feast. When I got down I saw Ron already there.
"This dude" I thought
I quickly sat down next to him waiting for Harry to arrive. While waiting I talked to Ron this girl came up to us.

"Hey! Your (Y/N) right! You were amazing during the game tonight your a natural. Oh sorry where are my manors my name is Isis I'm a first year Gryffindor too also part of the photography committee I took tons of you and the Gryffindor team doing awesome tricks on air. Do you mine if I sit down?"

"Oh hey Isis yeah you can totally sit down. Pretty cool your in to photograph if it were me I would probably blur the pictures cuz my hands would shake to much."
(If you can hold a camera still *most likely to hold a flashlight for you family* then think of something else I'm to lazy to think of any)

Then all of asuden I felt a cold shiver down my neck I wiped my head around and found Harry.
"Bloody hell Harry you almost gave me a heart attack ugh! Anyways we have a new friend her name is Isis"

Isis and Harry both said there hello and then we started eating. The dining hall looked amazing with the Halloween decor it was sooooooo good lookin. While we were eating professor Quirrell burst through the doors screeming.
"TROLL! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! Thought you outa know."
Then he collapse on the floor
All hell broke loose everyone screaming I think i saw some food thrown in the air. What a waste. Dumbledore told all the prefects to take there house to there assigned dorm. While we were going I saw *sadly* Hermione wasn't here. I grabbed Ron, Harry, and Isis
"Hold up the whiny bitch ain't here. Where is she."
We looked around and 100% sure that Hermione wasn't here. Crap she might be in the dungeon I told them we have to go get her and that "it was the right thing to do" so we quietly went to the dungeon and followed the destruction that the troll made. We finally ended by the girls bathroom. All of us at once broke through the doors and when we were inside all I heard were Hermione screaming and the troll smashing things. Harry and Ron has some balls and started to throw wood at the beast. Which ironically made him more mad. Harry was about to grab his wand but he was picked up by the troll so as in panic he tried to stick his wand up his nose that made the troll drop his club Isis and I looked at each other an told Ron to help leviosa this. We were able to do it and we got it to drop on the trolls head and not hurt Harry in the working. Harry got out of the grip and sadly took his wand out of the trolls nose. While we were all checking up on each other all the teachers came down. They saw Harry, Isis, Ron, and I. Snape started to yell at us and the rest had a disappointed look. All of asuden Hermione said it wasn't our fault and that she wanted to look at some potion ingredients so she could get ahead. Everyone still had a disappointed look but they took some points away instead of expelling us. So we quietly thanked them and headed off.
(Going on pt.2)

OMFG YALL I DID IT! I finished the chapter and I couldn't have done it without all of you. Also the vaccines are out for adults so one step closer to kids. But In the meantime stay safe and wash your hands cuz I don't want yall to get sick. Byeeee

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