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Welcome, one and all, to one of my many prehistoric stories! It's truly an honor to meet you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your day to read this. 

To all my First Time Readers, I especially welcome you!

If you don't know me already, my name is Elijah C. Millington. I'm a Caribbean writer well known for writing the Jurassic World fanfiction RIPPER: AN INDORAPTOR STORY and an dark superhero novella THESE WOUNDS BLEED BLACK. I've been writing since 2014 (inspired by Erin Hunter's Warrior Cat series) and only now have I've been pushing the boundaries of my skills to new heights.

It's super fun!

Although I try to diversify my stories -- from dragons to superheroes -- I have a true love for saurian stories, aka: DINOSAURS. Truth be told, I have a child-like love for these beasts of the past; their primitive ways and violent lives full of love, sacrifice, and courage impress me. Some are born of horns, some of feathers, others are gifted with teeth sharper than swords or claws mightier than even the thickest hides. 

And their stories...well, they aren't exactly told by the faint of heart. 

Let's be honest, there's far more fanfiction stories out there than original dinosaur stories. And most (if not all) aren't necessarily about dinosaurs, and rather the common love stories we all know and consider.

I hope to be an exception to that.

I believe all creatures have a story to tell, whether we can see it or not. Sure, we're not primitive anymore, nor can we step into their skin anymore given our growth, but we can surely imagine. And, although we can't ask them in person (nor will we ever), I hope to share my own creative account on their lives. Perhaps a twist into our own lives, too.

And of mine.

HORNS originally started out as a fanfiction of The Land Before Time series in 2015

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HORNS originally started out as a fanfiction of The Land Before Time series in 2015. The original fanfic told the story of an adult Styracosaurus -- named Orion -- and his friends migrating to the Great Valley after a disaster takes their home away. Traveling against all odds in the Mysterious Beyond, both dangerous and fun, they finally come across the original six friends (now adults), only to discover that their very lives have turned in drastic ways.

It was a great story, at the time, and I even wrote a song! Unfortunately, like many of my stories before, it, too, became a part of the high school wipeout that deleted every book from my old google account.

Although the original is gone, I will revive ORION in my 2024 story: SUNDROP, the collaborative story of all my hand-made characters. But, deep down, I still wanted to build something out of a herbivore story.

So, I decided to restart entirely.

After months and months of planning, I finally was able to find a story worthy to make, one that I can relate to, and one that will change the outlook I see on the prehistoric world forever. 

I wondered: why not try mystery? 

We speak of mystery in human tongue, in finding clues and hidden signs in our modern world. But what about there, where no technology could tell one of their secrets? Where nothing but the use of one's senses guide the unknown to the known? I hope to capture this here, in this story.

Now, enough talk from my part, I know you're anxious to read it. So without holding you back, I implore you to read this new novel, and enjoy HORNS: A DINOSAUR STORY.

Love you guys!

Horns ✖Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu