"Okay" she said and took her plate and placed in on the sink. After that she went upstairs.

"What? What did I do..?" I asked to myself. Then I finished eating and went to the sink to wash the plates. Then I went upstairs to sleep. I opened the door and saw her laughing byherself.

"Is she insane?" I said and closed the door. Then she looked at me for a sec then went back laughing again. I went beside her to sleep. But unable to do so because she's so noisy.

"HHahahahaha I love you too~" I heard her mumbled. I tried to cover my ears but I still hear her.

"Hahahaha omo.."she said and laughed again. I tilted my head for a sec to gaze at her and saw her chatting with seulgi. Then I went back to sleep again. But still can't.

"Ohh she's calling."she said and went to the balcony. As she talks at her outside. I felt a little angry and wanting to drink so I went downstairs to grab a beer.

As I grab the beer from the fridge , I went to the pool area and sat on the chair. I opened the first beer and drank it all, with a grumpy face.

"Why?I mean..Why am I like this?" I asked to myself. "It's not like we're together, or I like her. It's her choice if she wants to be with that seulgi."I said in frustration. I drank all three and starting to feel my stomach grumbling because of it.

"Woah I need to slow down..." I lied to myself. I opened the 4th beer and drank it. Then she went downstairs, I saw her wearing my white shirt and her hair bunned.
I gazed at her for a minute then she saw me looking at her, I got choked because of her gaze while I'm drinking my beer. Then I saw her smirked then went upstairs.

"I think I'm just fantasizing..." I said and slapped my face. "She's..cute I guess but RYUJIN, YOU DON'T LIKE HER OKAY? NO.STOP THAT NONSENSE FEELINGS OF YOURS." I said to myself. Then continued drinking.


"Sorry sorry, I just...went to the fridge." I said to yeji.

"You're getting sus..are you making ryujin fall inlove with you?"  Yeji said. " and you changed my name into seulgi. Who the fuck is seulgi?"

"Just shut up for a minute yeji. She's jealous of that seulgi."

"How did you know?"

"I just felt it."

"Wtf jiyeon, stop imagining. Tell her you like her. "

"I can't. I'm embarassed. I just fell out of love because of her and I don't want to fall more."

"You went downstairs right? "


"And you wore her shirt."


"Are you teasing her?miss lee?" she said. "Or should I say miss shin?"


"Uh. No no. I know now jiyeon. I know."

"Shut up now. " I said and laughed then I heard the door opened. "Yah take a rest okay? And if something happens call me. Okay? Love you. "I said and ended the call. I pretended to not see her and acted like I'm gazing at the stars . Even though theres none.

I heard the sliding door opened. I turned around and saw her , all drunk.

"Yah, lee jiyeon..why are you talking to her?" She said with her drunk voice.

"Why are you so drunk?"I said worriedly. Then she suddenly walked towards me and hugged me.

"Please..don't talk to her."

"To who??" I asked while looking at her with her eyes closed but still talking.

"To...seulgi...."She said. "I love you..." she said while hugging me and buried her head on my neck.


"I love you...jiyeon.." she mumbled and hugged me tighter.

"I...love you too..ryujin." I said then all of a sudden, she kissed me. Then I kissed her back, then we went in the bed to continue what is currently happening.


I woke up with a huge headache again. I tried to remember what happened last night but all I can remember is...

"Why did I drink?" I asked to myself. Then my phone rang, I opened the message and saw a picture.

my eyes widened on what I saw. Then a text pops up.

"I said..wait for me...why did you kissed her?" The unknown number said.

"Am I not enough?"

"Ryujin...I love you..."

"Don't choose her over me."

"Ryujin..I love you so much and I'll do everything for you"

"I can kill her for you. It's only the two of us who can love each other. Okay?"

I facepalmed myself and cursed.

"What the actual fuck did I do to jiyeon?" I said to myself.


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