"Hey, I mean, at least it'll grow back? That's a plus right?"

Percy's eyebrows furrowed, catching Will's eyes briefly as he looked on in confusion.

Will just shook his head, repressing a sigh.

"At least what will grow back?"

Leo jumped slightly, returning his gaze back down to the floor.

It was Kayla who answered, breaking the few seconds of silence that had followed Percy's question.

"His hair."

Percy swore for a second that her voice held more disappointment than Annabeth's did whenever she found him stuck in his clothes. Scratch that, more disappointment than when Annabeth spoke to him in general.

And that was pretty fucking hard to do.

"And his hair needs to grow back, why?"

Percy knew that just an hour ago Jake had a full head of hair. Why would he need to grow back the hair he'd already got?

"Because somebody burnt it off."

And if the pointed look she threw at Leo wasn't a tell-tale sign that somebody was Leo, Percy didn't know what was.

"Burnt it- how?"

Leo just shrugged, scooting away from Percy slightly. The action both made Percy's heart clench and his stomach flutter.

Jake groaned, jolting Percy into the realisation of why he'd been sent there.


Percy ran over to Jake's side quickly, placing the palm of his hand on the injured boy's forehead gently.

The sharp intake of breath he took upon contact with Jake's skin went unnoticed by everyone but Leo, who only furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Percy's bottom lip took place between his teeth, providing him with a different pain to focus on instead of the blinding heat connecting with his palm.

Slowly, Jake's face lost the bright red colour it was when Percy first arrived at the infirmary.

Instead, all of Percy right hand and lower forearm were a dark pink.

Percy briefly flicked the collar of his shirt forward once, hoping to relieve his body of some of the heat it had just absorbed.

It was a new, weird power of his that he had discovered recently and he wasn't really sure where he stood with it.

"Right, imma go take a nap now."

Percy didn't get a chance to see any of their responses because he was already stumbling his way back to his cabin.

He probably should have stayed longer, found out if there was anything else wrong, or asked for the full story.

But his head was lightly pounding now and he wanted to blame it on his hand but he knew it was because he'd been so close to Leo for so long.

It had been happening a lot recently, either that or he felt like he was going to be sick.

As soon as he entered his cabin, he let out a long sigh of relief, thankful for the cool air his cabin always seemed to have.

He flopped down onto his bed instantly, letting his head sink into the pillow. He'd barely had enough time to kick off his shoes first.


Leo didn't know what he was doing, why he was doing it.

He gulped, raising a shaky fist for what felt like the tenth time but was really only the third.

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