Plane Rides

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Hiii Guys! I hope you enjoy the story. I love youuu all!


Sadie's Pov

One Saturday morning changed my whole life. Today I am living in Austrila with my New family. Maybe I am getting ahead of myself, let's go back to when this all started.

*6 months earlier*

Sadie's Pov

I woken up not by the smell if eggs that morning like usually but a scream. I look at the clock as I scream,

"Poppy please go back to sleep! Its 8 in the morning." as I roll back on my bed and pull the blankets over me. I am trying to go back to sleep when all I can hear is Poppy talking so I roll out of bed as I stomp down stairs as I say with a hint of sass,

"Thanks for being so quiet" as I rub the sleep out of my eyes and slip my glasses on. As I do so I don't just see my dad and Poppy buy also my Dad's girlfriend Anne Marie. I look at them all as I say,

"No one told me we were having breakfast together or I would...." my Dad cuts me off by saying,

"Sadie, Anne Maire and I are getting married" I look at them in shock. When finally Poppy hits me as I say very cheerlyly,

"Congratulations" as I go to get some waffles but when I open the fridge nothing is in there. I look at my Dad as he smiles at me and says,

"One more thing Sadie" I raise my eyebrows as he continues and this is when I lose it,

"We are moving to Austrila tonight" I look at him as I say,

"You can't be serious Dad" he looks at me as he says,

"Sadie I know this is fast but Anne Maire and I are in love and...." I don't let him finish as I drop my fork on the counter as I say,

"In love Dad? I thought you were in love Mum but o guess not" he looks at me as he says,

"Sadie please..." I look him in the eyes as I say,

"Save it Dad. I have to pack" as I run up stairs and slam my door. I can't believe this. This is not fair what's so ever. I look at my phone as I slowly start pulling my things off my wall.

Anne Maire's Pov

As Sadie slams her door I look to Tom as I say,

"Maybe we should wait to move you guys." Tom looks at me As he says,

"Maybe we should. Sadie just...." Tom doesn't finish his sentence as Poppy steps in and says,

"No guys. We are leaving today. Sadie will get over it. She needs a mother figure in her life" I smile at Poppy as I,pull her into a gentle hug.

Sadie's Pov

I brush my wavy brown hair out as I than start on my makeup. I am going slower than normal cause I know everyone else is done but me. 10 minutes later I finish my makeup as I pack all my bathroom supplies into a bag as I than walk to my room where I left out clothes to wear. I slip into my light wash skinny jeans with rips on them. Than I slide my black v neck,on as than pull my black,fold over combat boots on. I look around my room one,last time as I whisper,

"I love you Mum" I walk down stairs as everyone looks at me as I say,

"What?" they all shake their heads as we walk out to the car. As We ride to the airport Poppy and Anne Maire are chatting away and I am,just sitting there watching my whole life that I,knee disappear before my eyes.

Ashton's Pov

I am sitting at home with the guys and my  little siblings Lauren and Harry when my Mum texts me,

Hi Honey! We are boarding the flight now. See you soon sweetie. Please don't have the boys their when we arrive. Love you guys xoxxo

I smile at my mum because I can just feel that she is so happy with Tom. As I slip my phone in my pocket I say,

"They are boarding their flight guys." Lauren smiles up at me as she says,

"I can't wait to meet them." I,smile at my little sister as I say,

"Harry and Lauren go to the kitchen and eat breakfast please" as they walk out Luke looks at me as he says,

"How are you feeling about getting two new sisters?" I look at him as I say,

"I think it will be cool but there will be an adjustment period. Lauren is super excited." at this we all,chuckle as we head into the kitchen and eat with Harry and Lauren.

Sadie's Pov

We are halfway to Austrila when Anne Marie taps my leg as I take my headphones out and look at her raising my eyebrows. She smiles as she says,

"I thought we could talk some you know get to know each other." I look at her but I don't say anything as she askes,

"Do you have a boyfriend" I look at her as I shake my head as she than askes

"You can talk,to me I,don't bite" I look at her as I finally say,

"I,don't want to talk to you. I don't need someone to talk to boys about. I don't need a mother figure. I just need you to leave me Alone." as I say this I get up and run to the bathroom.

Poppy's Pov

Dad and I talking when we hear Sadie yelling than a door slam. Dad and I run over to Anne Maire as we look at her and my Dad is about to go back and talk to Sadie but Anne Maire gets up and says,

"No Tom don't. Let her think. She needs time to,adjust." Dad and I look at each other as he says,

"She's right. Lets give both of them some time."


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