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- Hylia -

"Hylia. Hylia. Hylia!" Musa pulled me out from my zone out state as I try to comprehend this information about the last three Originals.

"Sorry Musa. What was that?"

"I'm asking you, what did you hear at the room before?" Please the right words to say, I replied.

"Whereabouts of all the remaining Originals" I look at her as it seems that it was a great news to celebrate for us, but the last piece of information was a total bad news.

Escaping from a small government branch like the lab before have already took a huge toll on me and Cana. If it wasn't for Alora siding with us, and a huge help from Cana's cousin Derek, we wouldn't be able to leave the lab and save the kids.

"It seems like you're not happy about it. Why is that?" I snap out of my trance and look back at Musa.

"Just... Thinking of all the work we must do into hunting all of them. Too troublesome" I said.

"And here I thought it's something serious. Don't worry, I'll help you!" Musa cheerfully said as I decline the offer.

"No thanks. I think it would be better not to let you near even a foot near my stuff. Come on, let's go back. We have already gotten what we need"

"What do you mean your stuff?! It's my stuff! You're just using those more than I do!"


"You're so mean Hylia!"

"I know I know. You don't have to state the obvious"


Stood from the food aile, I observed the people that are gathering today, just looking out for aides. Never hurt to have my guards up at all times.

We should have been done for the night, however somebody wants to enjoy the feast that is being ignored by most of the guests today.

"Are you really sure you don't want to eat even a bit?" Face stuffed with food, she ask nonethelessly.

"Don't speak when you mouth is full, idiot" I almost laugh when she try to literally take in more food on her mouth.

"Musa, the food's not going anywhere. Slow down a bit" I scolds again. I sigh in slight annoyance and took a small sip of water from the table.

I felt like a mother scolding her child.

"But Hylia~"

"Either that or we're leaving"

"Hmph! Fine"

After a while, everything seems fine, besides the endless uneasiness I'm feeling about this whole situation.

They say, a woman's intuition is her greatest weapon. In my side of the story, it's true.

Something is going to happen, and I must not be part of it. I sigh for the last time tonight before finally deciding to leave.

"Musa-!" Musa literally turn into a balloon with all the food she stuffed in her belly. And don't miss the fact that all the food in this banquet were already gone, empty. It's a surprise how her dress could hold on for her. May it be a total drag... Musa and I walked home from the party, with me pulling her all the way, of course.

It was already around 3 when we got back last night so I decided that I'll cancel today's training with Musa. Of course, the latter rejoice, well, not after passing out right after. The kid's tired, I see.

It's already 9 in the morning when I woke up and the kid is still up on her room.

Literally not hungry at the moment, and still have my mind stuck in boredom, I sat The living room floor and turn the TV on for the first time in my stay here. The TV flashed a news report about a certain disturbance that immediately ended the banquet last night. Remains of the paranormal were ice, spears of ice coming from the banquet's first floor event.

'Could it be them?'

The possibility can't be taken out of the list right now, but still, I'm worried. As much as I want to interfere, I could pretty much say it was a good call.


Even if I could manage them, what about her?

I won't be able to protect her all the time. I turn the tv off just the same time as Musa went down.

"Morning Hylia!" She greets. I could only smile as the news disturb me.

"If your mind is much more clearer... Come to me"

I stood up and walk towards Musa whose in the kitchen and ruffle her hair.

"Huh? Hylia, My hair!" She pout as she tries to straighten her already mess up hair.

"I'll be leaving for today... Make sure to take lots of rest. I'll make sure to return just before dinner time" I said as I heads out of the room to the door.

"This, out of a sudden? Suspicious~" I slightly let out a laugh as I look back to her one last time.

"Try not to snoop around here while I'm gone. Enjoy your quick break while you still could. I won't go easy on you tomorrow"

"You never go easy on me!" Another laugh goes out.

"Still... T-take care. I'll wait for your r-return" my hand froze right before the door knob.

'Just when did I get too attached?'

A smile remains that day.

"Hm. Sure. Whatever you say"


Nothing exciting happened, huh? Sorry for that. When I first thought of this scene before, I thought it'll change over time so I let it sit still like this, like a draft script sitting still in the back of my mind. The main idea that I form with this is to let the two create a deeper bond before I go to the serious stuff. But looking back, nothing change with the idea I put in mind and for me, it's not really a bad one to be honest so I guess that's it for now.

The love interest is pretty obvious at this point but I want to hear some opinions from you guys.

( Not a Yuri Romance, Got it? )

Who's your love interest in the whole Code Adam crew?

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