The caotic premiere

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Hejjjj , and welcome to the first chapter of :
"a new beginning of love"
Today I finally decided to upload the story's first chapter and it will be the only chapter uploaded so far for a while.
Of course there's a lot more chapters already written but I'll post them one by one throughout the next months .
NOTE: please respect the fact that my English isn't perfect and I have absolutely no grammar.
I'm sorry that I can't correct everything in right place but
I just don't feel like doing that.
If anybody thinks that this should be done and wants to do that or feels like it send messages and I'll let you do that.
And now enjoy reading 😘

It was a beautiful day In the middle of February.
The alarm sounded, Frida woke up in her hotel room with the light shining through the curtains.
Today was the day,the day of the big premiere, today she together with Bjorn and Benny would accept the big prize for Mamma Mia the musical.
quietly she stretched her arms and moved her legs over the edge of the big hotel bed why do we have to get up at such an early hour? She thought it was only six thirty in the morning but even when she didn't liked it that much Frida managed to get up everyday. She Quickly bathed and dressed up for the day, while brushing her teeth she heard a knock on the door.
Frida rushed with her toothbrush still between her teeth to open and see who it is. When she fully opened the door Björn was standing there dressed up nicely.
„ Are you ready Frida? have you packed your things together? The taxi arrives in ten minutes."
„yes yes I have have everything ready where is Benny??"
„ At the entrance waiting for the taxi."
„okay I'll hurry up Björn" she said quickly before the toothpaste would be spilled on her dress "tell Benny that we still have an hour to get to the event."
„ okay I'll do so Frida we are waiting outside."
With that he left and Frida quickly closed the door.
To be honest Frida wasn't ready with anything. She hadn't packed and hadn't done her skincare and makeup.
Usually she didn't liked it when things were untidy but today she was running out of time. Rapidly she threw everything she had in to her big trunk quickly looking around if she hadn't left anything and tried to put on her shoes very fast. Why did they order us a taxi that arrives in 10 minutes and I didn't knew that? She asked herself. For skincare was no time left and so she had to do at least the makeup in the taxi. She hurried down the stairs nearly slipping and falling over in the corners, she gave the keys to the secretary in the reception and walked outside of the building very fast.
„Frid, there you are, why did it take so long??"
„ that doesn't matter anymore the taxi is coming right now."
And indeed she was right the taxi appeared just around the corner.
All three managed to put their luggage in the Back and took their seats in the back of the car.
„ready to go ?" The driver asked
„yes we are " said   Benny.
On the way Frida tried to put on her makeup, the highlighter  worked pretty good but when she tried to put on her red lipstick the taxi drove around the corner and she smeared everything on her cheek.
„what's happening Frid?" Asked Benny
„I need some paper tissues"
„sorry but I don't have any. Björn do you have some?"
„I'll look up but I don't think so"
„ you don't have to I think there are still some in my bag just search a bit."
So Björn with the help of Benny searched through Frida's bag but they couldn't find anything.
„well Frid the only thing in your bag is a little lip balm." Said Björn.
„and my new Nokia phone?"
„there wasn't any Nokia phone."
„Fuck again. It's Stil in the Hotel."
„and now ? We can't drive back and get it it's too late" said Björn.
„well then we have to leave it in the hotel forever and I have to buy another one."
„don't worry Frid when the premiere is over we go back to get it for you." Said Benny.
„thanks Benny."
For Frida this day was already super stressful. Since they had no paper tissues she In the end found the best solution to put a thick layer of concealer over the red. The thing that her new cellphone was still in the hotel made her a bit angry but just a bit. Soon they arrived at the building and all three with their luggage got out of the taxi.
„let's go inside." Said Björn
„wait how do I look?"
„Very beautiful Frid." Said Benny
„that's not true I must look super awful."
„no you don't,really. And now we better get in it's very cold outside."
„ but Benny."
„no but's Frida let's go"
And so they all went in.
The building looked very nice and elegant from the outside
Inside there's were many people but not too many.
A woman with an apron and a wooden tray in her hand approached them.
„welcome ABBA. We're grateful that you are coming. You can put your luggage in the little storage room with the iron door it's just around the corner." Said the woman.
„hello. Thanks for welcoming us we really appreciate it that we can be here. And thanks for telling us we're to put the luggage." Said Björn. He was the most excited one of all three since he was the main person of the whole project.
Benny wasn't so excited because he was only invited to stand next to Björn so that he wasn't so alone. and also the fact that Frida was there made him a bit dizzy because every time he saw her face the butterflies started dancing inside him.
They put their luggage in the little room and then entered the big feast hall.
Many people had already come the event was about to start at 11am when they saw the three ABBA members coming in they started clapping and cheering.
on the stage were the crew who was running the event and some other people to organize everything.
A man appeared at the door to lead them to their respective seats.
„Hello and welcome. Let's find your seats."
The man started walking. Suddenly he stopped.
„ can you wait a minute I need to look up something. I have the feeling that there's something wrong."
„okay" said Björn.
He went away and asked another person something then he returned to the three with a face that already told them that something was wrong.
„ we're very sorry but you have to sit at the table with these other people over there is that fine???"
„hm well that was not supposed to be like that."
Said Björn.
„yeah he's right, but can't you do anything about it???" Said Benny but Frida who was standing in the middle  hit both of them very hard in their Sides.
„guys," she whispered „please behave and don't act like little children. it doesn't matter okay?"
They looked a bit confused but did as Frida had said. They walked over to their table and took their seats.
There weren't two  girls and three boys they all wore the same jackets and looked like young adults.
„hello." Said one of them.
„Hey there. How's it going??" Said another.
„ Hello everybody and yes we're good and you??"  Said Frida.
„yeah same for us. Excited to win the prize???"
" yes we are are you nominated too??." Asked Benny.
„yes we've been waiting ages for days like that."
„oh. And you're a band???"  Asked Benny excited to hear more.
„yes we have been a band since the last seven years and now it's finally rolling along."
„the new album sold three hundred copies in one year already we're so happy about that."
„that sounds nice."
„yeah. By the way I'm Addie,these two are Dan and
Anna that's Ty and that's Merylin What about you???"
„ well I'm Benny, that's my friend Björn and my ex wife Anni-Frid." Again Frida hit him in the arm.
„please call me Frida I don't like it when people use my full name."
„okay." Said Addie. 
They took their seats and  started talking with each other.
Suddenly the waiter appeared to take their orders.
„hello guys what do you want to drink?"
„let's have lemonade" said Merylin.
„oh yeah lemonade sounds nice" said Addie.
„what about you? Benny?Frida?Björan?"
„Ehm well I'm Björn and not Björan but that's fine and yes I I'm in with the lemonade."
„me too" said Benny.
"Frida?" Asked Björn.
„Yes lemonade is absolutely okay and a little scotch for me too please I need it ."
„Frida!" Benny said
„yeah what?? Is there something wrong with me ordering scotch I'm having a bad day and I just need something to clear my mind."
„ that's okay I'll hope it gets better" said Benny and stroked her cheek.
„Benny!" Said Frida and hit him in his arm again for the third time today „don't behave as if we're lovers or anything like that okay??"
„okay Frida if it's what you want I just wanted to help you a bit" said Benny
„your help doesn't work for me or just not for now " said Frida.
„guys is everything alright with you??" Asked Björn.
„yea it's just that Frida is having a bad day and I wanted to help her a bit but she doesn't want it." Said Benny.
„ yes you just pretend as if you are my lover or anything like that and that's not true so just stop and behave." Said Frida and hit him in his arm AGAIN.what a disaster.

Fridas words had hurt Benny very much and in the end he couldn't stand it anymore and decided to go to the restroom.

"where're you're going benny ???" asked Frida

"Ummm just to the restroom I need a pee."

"okay." said Frida

while Benny went to the restroom Frida talked a bit with Björn.

"Björn I need your help." said Frida

"yeah whats the matter Frid?"

" why is Benny acting so strange today."

"sorry Frid but I don't know:"

"How you don't know ? Benny is your friend and you haven't noticed his strange actions today he pretends that we're still lovers and even tell's other people."

"yeah and what's the problem you were lovers and now you're not married anymore you're divorced:"

"I know that we were lovers and married but its in the past ,Björn in the past."

" yes Frida THE PAST but maybe he still loves you today even if you're not together anymore."

"yeah maybe he does i do it too but I don't show it. sorry if you think like that but I think I'll need to go to the restroom."

"you TOO?" said Björn but Frida was already leaving.

Meanwhile in the Boys restroom Benny was crying his soul out.

He had waited until he knew that nobody is there and then locked himself in one of the toilet  cabins. why? why? did he always feel that way when he saw Frida why were there always so many butterflies and why did he always feel that he still loved her like in the old days?.

In the girls restroom Frida locked herself in a toilet cabin and sat on the toilet lid putting her hands over her face. suddenly she couldn't stand it anymore  let all the tears fall and started to cry. they fell like waterfalls running down and  her cheeks were burning from so much crying already.

After a long while she decided to leave, she flushed the toilet so that nobody knew she had been crying but only knew she had used the toilet.

when she came out she saw Benny doing the same.
„ Benny oh my god! Don't tell me you had been in that restroom all the time until now."
„yes I have been in there all the time crying over you."
„ crying over ME ? Guess what I have been doing all the time in there (pointing to the door of the girls restroom) crying over YOU."
„ something must be wrong Frida. By the way can we talk for a moment?"
„yes we can but only for a moment."
„Frida," he started but got interrupted by her „ Could we better go outside what if someone listens to what we're talking about."
„ sorry Okay we can go out."

They went out of the building there they could talk more privately.
„ so what was it what you wanted to say?" Asked Frida
„Frida I .... I just.. when saw you today I felt like.... every time I saw your face today I felt the butterflies dancing in my stomach and had the feeling that I wanted you and that I needed you but..but that's why had gone to the restroom I cried my soul out my eyes were burning butcouldn't help it anymore."
„ Benny no why there's no chance for things like that and you know that what would you tell Mona Hey Mona yeah so me and Frida are back together again and I want a divorce
What would she think about.."
„oh and I didn't knew that??!"
„I'm sorry I couldn't tell you I didn't manage to but yes we're divorced because it no longer worked out and it's a happy divorced for sure."
„you didn't manage to well okay that's why you were so happy today and I thought the whole time that you were happy because you're happily married and have the time of your Life but it isn't actually Benny I'm so sorry I... I.. I when I had all these problems today and....." but Frida couldn't finish her sentence because two hands packed her from behind a cloth was put over her eyes she was dragged away felt a liquid running Down her throat and suddenly saw black.

A new beginning of Love Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt