chapter 9

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In this chapter the pov will be only katsuki's, since it's the forth day of the "hell week".

(go back to chap 7 if you don't remember how the "hell week" is structered)


katsuki pov:

Because of the villain attack the school close for a few days, since yesterday was friday they decided that the school will open again on wednesday. That means that I can take care of Y/n all day, and maybe his friends won't come after all but unfortunately Deku is always here, damn nerd.
Deku and I ate lunch, now I'm going to buy groceries and Deku is probably feeding Y/n. I take all I need and pay then I walk back to the house, in front of the door I see a group of people.

Damnit, stupid extras. They came after all but why are they so many.

"MOVE OUT OF MY WAY EXTRAS" I shout and pass through them.



I hear them say.

No shit Sherlock

I grab the bags in one hand and take the keys from my pocket with the other, then I open the door ignoring the crowd behind me.

"bakugou we want to see y/n is he alright?" Raccoon eyes asks.

"fuck off" I say and close the door on their face.

They knock and ring the bell, annoyed I go to y/ns room.

"did y/n eat anything?" I ask to Deku, who is sitting next to the bed looking at the plates. He jumps

"oh my god- a-ah kacchan, yeah I fed him, no response as usual." he looks down at the plate in his hands.

"w-who is it at the door? They're pretty insistent haha" he changes subject.

The nocking turns into banging.

If they break the fucking door I swear...

A tick mark appears on my face I stomp to the entrance, Deku stays with Y/n. I swing the door open,

"stop being so persistent, you won't see y/n! " I shout. They all look at me shocked.

"but we want to see him, why hasn't he responded to our texts?" waterdrop (kayano) asks.

"he's fine go home" I shout again.

"you guys maybe we should come some other time" tape says

"yeah we can see him in school in a few days, we shouldn't bother" pink cheeks continues

"I agree, Bakugou here clearly doesn't seem comfortable and as the class president I have a duty to leave him his personal space" glasses says.

"no I want to see y/n!" raccoon eyes and waterdrop say at the same time.

"you guys leave, we'll check on y/n and tell you what happens later" shitty hair says. Pink cheeks, tape and glasses walk away.

"you can't come in, go away like the others" I shout again.

They don't even listen and pass anyways.

"sorry bakugou" shitty hair says.


"where's y/ns room?"

"get the FUCK out" I yell and sparks come out of my hands.

"oh what are you doing here midoriya" Pikachu asks when Deku walks out of the kitchen, with a glass of water.

Bakugou Twins - (bigender Reader) DISCONTINUED Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ