ᴋ. ᴍɪɴꜱᴇᴏᴋ (xɪᴜᴍɪɴ)

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Over Protective Brother


M i n j i's / Y o u

"Min-ah, hurry up slowpoke!" I heard your big brother shouted.

"Yeah yeah alright I'm coming" I hurriedly ran down stairs after I have the energy to stand up.

"Hey! Min-ah be careful. Pabo you might fall!" Here he goes again. Over protective brother indeed.

"Yah! I'm fine, go eat" Really?! Is he my brother or my father?

"Tss. Just eat"


"Make sure that you'll come home early" I just nodded. Well, I am a graduating high school student and Xiumin is a college student.

"See you later" I just opened the car's door and wave a goodbye to him.

"Min-ah I'll going to tell you something" I am confused a little about my best friend, Jia is talkingAbout!

"What is it Jia?" I can see how uneasy shes acting but I ask her any way.

"Your boyfriend, Bambam was cheating on you" Bambam?! How? He never cheats on me. Maybe shes joking.

"H-hey Jia are you serious?! Bambam never cheats on me. He wouldn’t just do such a thing" Even though shes my best friend I need to witness it or even know it in person. I am not that type to believe on what I heard.

"Fine, if you're denying it. Go see for yourself" "I saw him at the rooftop" Then she left. She left me dumbfounded.

Bambam, is this...even real?

Just like what Jia instructed you. I went up the rooftop and nervously trying to open up the door.

I felt a thousand no- it felt like a never-ending stabs directly at my heart as soon as I saw my boyfriend together with his bestfriend kissing each other.

B-Bambam?? H-how?? W-why?? Those questions lingered to my mess-up mind. I wish it was only a prank and its not real. But hey! Reality is shit. I felt a hot liquid flowing straight from my eyes and started sobbing.

"M-Minji-ah, how long you've been their?" Bambam asked nervously. I started to wipe the tears flow to my cheeks and hurriedly go back down.

"Wait! Minji-ah Let me explain!" I heard him but I decided to continue to run. Run away from pain. It’s like a torture to me.


"I said to come home early aren't I" I saw him standing at the porch as I reach the house.

"S-sorry" I tried to sound fine but my voice cracked-up.

"Hey why are your eyes swollen? Come inside" He sternly commanded me. I am at in the living room while he entered the kitchen. He came back with some warm milk with honey.

"Come here" He spreads his arms. As soon as he locked me in his arms my tears automatically poured down like a rainfall. Every time I hug my brother I feel safe, safe from pain that may cost you.

"I'll listen okay, Tell big brother what happen"


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