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Your POV
It doesn't matter what everyone thinks anymore. I look at the person that was set to kill me if I don't give her the girl I've been protecting.

I gripped on my knife my arms badly injured. "Give her to me Y/N and you might leave here still breathing" She says smirking so cockily I wanted to rip her face apart.

"She's not going anywhere" I said fixing my fighting stance as I look at her. "Are you sure? You are too weak to fight me" She says running in circles it made me dizzy and she took advantage of it kicking my leg harshly making me kneel down biting my lip to not make any noise.

I felt a sharp pain when I kneeled down standing up I tried to forget about the pain.

I can't let her take dahyun away from me. She still has faith in this cruel world and I don't want this demon in front of me to take it away from her.

"You know once you betray our leader for protecting her you'll die" She warns making me snicker. "I'll do anything to keep her away from you monsters" I said as I tried rushing to her.

She grabs my arms turning me making me face front as my arms felt like it's going to rip out soon. I breathed heavily as she puts her knife in front of my neck.

"You were always the disappointment" She says digging the knife on my neck seeing blood drip as I groaned.

I can't die here. I stepped on her foot as she lets go of her knife. I grabbed it stabbing her in the chest near her heart making her gasp for breath as she falls down trying to get the knife out of her chest.

My body starts shaking. It took my all not to faint now. "Then keep it that way" I said stepping on the knife deepening the wound.

"Sleep well" I said before kicking her head hearing a loud crack as she went unconscious.

I went to the other room to see dahyun still hiding under the bed. I smiled at how cute she is. "It's okay now" I informed her coughing a bit it was getting more blurry by the minute.

I can't let her see the dead body outside. "Y/N what happened? Wait here I'm ge-" I cut her off holding her wrist weakly. "Stay here with me" I said as she looks at me with a worried expression.

"I can handle it Y/N let me" She assures me her calming voice just made me even more drowsy in just a blink of an eye I fell into deep slumber.

The world is crueler than I ever imagined and dahyun is the only person that saved me from it. I always thought that violence solves everything because of the environment that was given to me ever since the day I got took in by him.

I was given a task after countless training and a lot of times being called a disappointment. I get to kill dahyun in exchange for anything I want at first I was determined to kill her even planned for weeks for it just to be cancelled.

Befriending her is probably the best choice I ever made in my life. I get to see the world in a different light the way she looks at it made me want to protect her.

Even when people does crazy things because of greed or lust she still saw the world differently.

I didn't want her to change. I knew what I had to do in order to protect her risking my life was something I was scared of doing.

But somehow I still manage to stay strong my motivation to protect the girl is stronger than ever.

I don't know why I decided this faith. I always thought I would forever be a killer instead I had an unexpected change of heart.

I learned how to smile and be happy again and all it took was the girl that I'm protecting.

I still don't know why they want to kill such an innocent girl and i'm determined to find out.

Dahyun's POV
How much long are you willing to give up your life for me?. The thought lingers in my head as I started attending to her wounds.

This wounds this is all my fault. No matter how hard I try to hide it they still are coming to get me.

Y/N I'm sorry for lying to you and not telling you why they're out to kill me.

A tear escaped my eyes immediately wiping the tear away after this is over you can stop doing this things.

I'm such a greedy person the irony, I always say I have such great faith thay this world would soon be peaceful.

Who am I kidding?. This world will be crueler than it already is. I finished tending to her wounds putting the first aid back to the bathroom.

I splashed my face with water afterwards. 'Dahyun wake up you can't always be this weak' I thought as I gripped on the ledge of the sink.

"Dahyun" I heard Y/N weak voice say in front of the door as I fixed my composure smiling at her.

The way she forces herself to stand made me even more guilty. "You shouldn't force yourself to stand your badly injured" I said smiling as I help her up.

"You were gone so I had to check if you were okay" She simply says as I place her carefully down the bed she groans lightly as I smiled sadly.

"You didn't have to risk your life for me you almost died there" I lied I want to feel important that's why.

She smiles holding my hand. "I'll do anything to protect you" She says before closing her eyes. Her words stuck in my head as she grips my hand tightly.

"Sleep besides me" She says pulling me down hugging me tightly we were just friends but what is this feeling. Is it the guilt?.

The blindfold I wear. I'm sorry Y/N I choose to be blinded from the truth to make you protect me.


Hope you enjoy the storyline! :)


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