Ezra's injury

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Ezra POV:
Flashback: goals, find obi wan Kenobi
Help him defeat maul. Check find him and fight maul myself check. Be nighted by master Kenobi check. Get back and let kanan, hera, Zeb, and chopper know but not sabine because she's still on Mandalore check. Become a major leader in the rebellion check.

Sabine just got back a few hours ago but we were already going on a mission that was crucial to the survival of the rebellion. Our spies have told us that Vader and the emperor were making star destroyers more powerful than the death star but only one was completed the others were inactive. Son naturally being a leader of was planning and I have to admit it wasn't a terrible plan.

Everything was going great until thrawn showed his ugly face and took command of the super destroyer. As he was using it I had to go and let myself be taken prisoner to save everyone else. But while there I killed  thrawn and went to destroy the ship.

In the engine room

Ok great this thing has 6 different engines. After destroying 5 of them an AT-ST came from no where so I force pushed it into the last engine. Knowing that that wouldn't be enough to destroy it I added some extra strength through the force. Next thing I know the whole ship was exploding and I was almost unconscious with severe burns and was floating around in space.

Sabine POV: As I was shooting at ties I saw what looked like an orange shirt, oh my god it can't be. HERA GET CLOSER TO THESE COORDINATES AND MAKE SURE I CAN SEE THAT AREA. As she finished doing that I realized that my Suspicions were correct so I yelled HERA EZRA IS FLOATING IN SPACE AT THE COORDINATES I GAVE YOU. As soon as Hera heard that she took action and once he was onboard we jumped to hyperspace. As soon as we were in hyperspace I ran to the cargo bay. As soon as I got there I realized that he was in trouble and was frozen in shock. Once the others got her they froze too, but hera unfroze first and ran to home yelling well don't just stand there do something.

After that everything was a blur and all I rember is being told what his injuries were. He had 3 broken ribs a dislocated wrist and shoulder. As well as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns all over his back and some of his chest.

I wouldn't leave his side so I fell asleep in the medbay in a chair.

Time skip 3 hours

I was still asleep I  the medbay but was awoken by something, as soon as I saw what it was I yelled GUYS GET IN HERE. in 3 seconds flat everyone was in there staring at Ezra floating and a "vision" of what happened to put him in this position. But what shocked us the most was what happened next. Many people in robes appeared in the vision, kanan was shocked to realize it was everyone from every Jedi council for the past thousand years. Somebody kanan later told me was satele Shan said we can't let young bridger die his destiny is too great. Hmm agree I do save the galaxy one day he will, master Yoda said. After that they all reached out their hand and started doing something kanan later told us was called a force heal. Not even a minute later they finished and disappeared with Ezra waking seconds later. We all rushed to his side and asked if he was ok. He responded with he was fine but felt different than before. Um kanan I think we should just show him the security recording of what happened. Kanan was in aggrement with this so he brought it up on a database for Ezra. After it was over Ezra didn't seem too shocked about what happened but instead just laughed and said sabine I know what your feeling right now. As soon as he said that I started blushing. He then pulled me into a hug and said I love you Wren so I hugged him back and said I love you too bridger. Zeb started gagging kanan and hera were laughing and chopper was beeping excitedly while recording.

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