chapter 1: the beginning

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you had to move away from the life you had since you were born. you've never had to experience a new group of people because you've lived in the same place for as long as you could remember. however, things have certainly changed. your mom received a very high-paying job in a new area and she obviously couldn't decline.

your new school was named Inarizaki High School and it was located in the Hyogo prefecture. it was a big city and this was also new because you used to reside in a more suburban-type area. you are a third year, concluding your second year & years before at Karasuno High. it was a huge change but you dealt with it without complaint since your mother received a better job from all the hard work she's put in, now working as a lawyer for a higher class law firm.

you bought uniforms a couple of nights before and stuffed them into one of the many boxes in your room. you and your mother now lived in a 2 bedroom apartment. it was all your mother found and could afford on such late notice. as soon as your mother received the news she wanted to start working at the new law firm ASAP. you admired her for all of her hard work but not having your mom around really makes you feel alone.

you dressed, wearing a black uniform shirt and a khaki skirt. you had on black socks reaching your mid-shin and formal shoe wear. you had your hair very nicely put since it was your first day and had on mascara, lip gloss, and a bit of concealer.

you decided to walk to the school since it was only about 5 minutes away from the small apartment. you grabbed your backpack and headed out. as you inched closer to the school your heart began to pound. all the anxiety crept in at an alarming rate. you pinched the skin on your fingers as you headed to the class number that was on your freshly printed schedule from yesterday.

you entered your new class and the eyes of all the students landed on you. you stood there as the teacher spoke, "attention class this is l/n f/n and she's our new student!" the class then lifted to whispers. one boy with emerald eyes looked at you with the most disgusting expression and then forcefully put his forehead on his desk.

you were told to sit at the desk in front of said boy after the teacher announced your introduction. your body began to feel itchy because of how uncomfortable this new environment was.

"hi, I'm aiko! a pleasure to meet you!" the girl with the bouncy hair states from the desk beside you, holding out her hand with a big smile.

"nice to meet you, im f/n ofc." you returned the smile and gently shook her hand.

"don't look now but pretty boy is staring right at you!" aiko gasps sarcastically, pointing her finger vigorously at the boy behind you.

you turn your head and it felt like you were hit smack in the face with a brick because of how strong his gaze was. your face grew puzzled as he opened his mouth. "just turn around and behave. don't be a loud ass like aiko," he states and puts his head back in his hands.

"whatever." aiko huffs and turns around.

um okay. this'll take some getting used to.


class thus ended and everyone packed their bags to leave class. you quickly left as you didn't want anyone to bombard you with questions. before exiting the school building, you went to the bathroom to calm yourself down. you rinsed your hands in the ice-cold water and scurried out the door.

you finally reached home and your mother wasn't anywhere to be found since she worked late nights and early mornings. you sat your bag inside the small living space and sighed. today was better than you expected but your nerves got the worst of you. you never really knew you had a big problem with new people until now. you went back and forth inside your head deciding if you should call your best friend, kiyoko, to tell her about this odd day. you then shut the idea out of your mind and quickly changed out of your school clothes and went into your room to finish unpacking.

you unpacked endless clothes into your new closet and the rest into little bins until the moving truck came with your dresser.

you then realize it's useless unpacking if you have nothing to put all of your junk in and you go make yourself something to eat since it was getting around dinner time.

the hour's pass and you begin hastily rubbing your eyes. you then laid on the mattress that lay bare on the floor and closed your eyes. you drape a soft blanket over you before getting too sleepy, pulling it up to your neck.


"I KISSED THE SCARS ON HER SKI-" you jolt awake and a confused expression colored your face. someone was playing the loudest music the next apartment over. you became pissed from being woken up at an ungodly hour.

oh my god, you complain to yourself as you headed to the front door. you then marched to the door right next to yours and pounded on it. "HELLO ITS YOUR NEIGHBOR CAN YOU PLE-" you stopped yourself as you see the boy that opened the door in front of you.

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