Hina walked through the bunches of people on the sidewalk. She ended up walking to a nice neighborhood. Hina then walked up to a door. Hina sucked in some air before knocking on the door. Soon the door opened. "C-Captain?" Mizuki asked. "Are you doing anything today or right now?" Hina asked. "No... why are you wearing that?" Mizuki asked. "I'm going to Compay 8's Cathedral, I'm not going unless you are. So put on something formal and make a good impression." Mizuki frowned. Mizuki looked at her and smiled. "I'll be out in a minute." Mizuki said. Hina waited for her friend to come out. "I'm ready." Mizuki said as she came out in a similar outfit as Hina's. "What made you want to join so quickly?" Mizuki asked as they started walking. Hina frowned. "No reason." Hina muttered. Mizuki hummed.




"My name is Kazan Nagamochi sir!" Kazan smirked as he saluted. Akitaru looked at his information. "Why are you smirking in your picture?" Akitaru asked. Kazan looked at his new captain and tilted his head. "I was just happy that day sir. Is it not normal to smile in a picture sir?" Kazan asked nervously.  Father Kōfuku laughed at Kazan. "No it's fine, I just wanted to know if you're like our friend Shinra." Akitaru smirked as Shinra frowned. Akitaru looked at Takehisa and sighed. "Where were you earlier?" Akitaru asked. Takehisa looked at Akitaru and sighed. "Two new recruits are coming here in a few minutes. I was just talking sense into one of them." Takehisa replied. Akitaru looked at Kazan's info again. Sister Iris walked in with Maki. "Captain Obi. Two ladies were knocking on the door asking if they could see you." Maki said as her and Sister Iris moved to the side so that the two new recruits could come in. "Captain Obi. My name is Shinmon Hina. I heard you've been wanting to recruit me for the past two weeks. And to be honest, it's been pissing me off. But I'm here now." Hina frowned. The room fell silent. Hina looked around and sighed. "I wish I was a cloud." Hina muttered as she saluted.

Mizuki saluted with her. Akitaru smirked. "Long time no see." Akitaru smirked. Hina looked at Akitaru and sighed. "Captain!" Kazan grinned as he started running towards his old captain. Hina forced her palm into Kazan's chest. "I'm not your captain anymore." Hina said as Kazan started coughing. "Captain! Stop do you always have to punch him? He's just happy to see you." Mizuki frowned. "Stop calling me that. I don't have that title anymore. And I don't want you acting like you're still a lieutenant anymore. If you wanna fight Hinawa for the spot be my guest. But I need you all to act like we're not apart of Company 9 anymore. Show your respect to your new captain and lieutenant. If I could still order you, that would be my last order." Hina said. "Well then, welcome to Company 8." Akitaru smirked as he held his hand out to shake. Hina shook his hand with a sigh.

Mizuki and Hina had gotten changed into the orange jumpsuits that everyone else wore. "These are your dorms." Maki said as she opened the door to the small dorm room. "I feel like I'm in a prison." Hina frowned at Maki causing her to stiffen up. "Miss Shinmon." Mizuki frowned as she elbowed Hina. "Pick your bunk." Hina said as she walked in. "I can sleep on the top." Mizuki smiled. Hina placed her things on the bottom bunk. She started unbuttoning the top half of her jumpsuit. "Miss Shinmon!" Maki gasped. "What?" Hina asked as she tied the top half around her waist. She wore a black tank top. "You have muscles too?" Maki asked with a small smile. "I can't be a stick on the field. There would be no way I could still be alive without strength." Hina said as she took her dark blue haori out. Hina looked at Maki and arched a brow. "You sound so proud about them. People always told me I look like a man." Maki frowned. Hina looked at her and almost burst out into laughter. "Yeah, I like my muscles. I want to have them so I can be stronger than men. And so I can scare them off. You know some guys actually fine that hot." Hina chuckled as she put her haori on. She wrapped the right side over the left and tied it with a sash. "I'm sure you'll find someone who loves those hard earned muscles." Hina said as she tucked her hands into her sleeves.

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